Shizzle My Quizzle

Dec 16, 2009 21:34

Yeah, it's been a while but with Brake For Frogger emigrating to Wordpress I'm not on here that often. This quiz thing, nicked off Slashlover, would probably be as best a reintroduction as you can get.

First name
Cameron, a name given to me simply because my Dad wanted me to have a Scottish name and 'Angus' sounded a bit too harsh. This is despite the fact that my Dad is English as they come as he's from Wiltshire. I have middle names too, George Crichton, and I technically have a number as I'm the 3rd George Crichton in the family. Cameron George Crichton the 3rd Phillips then. It gets you tables in restraunts.

I'm 28 which is something that really doesn't bother me that much. I know a fair few people who hate the whole '30' thing but I'm really not that taken with the belief that my life is over as soon as I hit that age. People often think I'm a lot younger when they meet me though, including one woman recently who thought I was 19.

Gretna, Dumfriesshire, Scotland. Yes, it's that small town that had the football team that was taken over by a rich business man who then climbed all the way from the Third Division right up to the SPL only to crash and burn just when it was getting really good. What people don't know is that there is still a Gretna FC but it's now fan run and recently moved back into the ground the old team used to play at.

I don't hate my home town, it's an alright place as most of the population is either dying or commuting.

I'm an Optical Advisor (at least that's what it says in the new badge I got the other day) for a national chain of opticians, probably not the one you've just thought of though. It's something I kind of fell into to be honest as I thought it sounded like a right giggle which it sometimes is. It's quite well paid as well when you boil it down as you have to be trained to know about optics as well as the whole selling stuff angle. I'll have been there five years in May 2010.

Yes, Claire who I love deeply and always have done. We met when a friend of mine moved into her student digs. Aformentioned friend was having a housewarming party, I knocked on door and Claire answered. We spoke briefly that evening but kept meeting up for weeks afterwards. We had occasions of sitting in her room speaking until 3am about random stuff. Then, one really hot spring day, we went for the walk and both had the intention of telling the other we fancied them. Our moment of privacy was ruined slightly by the fact my friend Laurence decided to follow us as he was blissfully unaware of what was going on. We finally lost him somewhere and started going out. That was May 2001, we got married in May 2005.

Kyle, now aged 3 as of last month, a right wee mentalist but funny as hell for the bulk of the time. There was a part of me that was petrified of the whole fatherhood thing for a long time whilst Claire was pregnant but, whilst not being easy as such, it does get far more enjoyable as it goes on. I took him to his nursery introduction day yesterday and the fella had managed to find a blonde lass to play with within 3 minutes of being there. Something tells me he'll be fine come January.

One older sister called Michaela who has followed my Dad into the hotel trade, she married her Greek boyfriend just over a year ago and they have a one year old daughter called Faye.

Yes, 2 thank you very much.

Oh right...

My aformentioned Dad is a hotel manager and has been for as long as I've been around. he spent years managing the same hotel which I pretty much grew up in but it was bought over by a company full of dickheads. Instead of being able to actually manage the place my Dad found himself forced to write e-mail after e-mail about figures and what he thought they meant. He got bored and longed to actually be out meeting guests etc. Some guy he'd met at a lunch a few months previous got wind of this, asked him to manage the new hotel they were building and my Dad applied. As a result he now manages this place Lovely it is too.

My Mum used to be a wedding co-ordinator (quite a few of those in Gretna) but left that around the same time by Dad left his job as they worked for the same company. My Mum does do occasional days working in the new hotel but she's mostly enjoying semi retirement these days on days when she's not babysitting Kyle and Faye.

A ginger cat called 'Raul'. We inherited him from a girl we knew who was moving back to her parent's house and realised that her cat might not mix with her parent's massive dog. When we originally got him he had all of his vital equipment intact and was called 'Rambo' which we thought was a shite name for a cat.

We debated about letting him out on the first day we had him but I argued that he would impregnate half the female feline neighbourhood if we did. I started doing an impression of the bloke from the Irn Bru adverts.

"Yooouuuhhooo ladies! Come to Raul's house and make sandwiches!"

The name stuck.

List the 3/5 biggest things going on in your life
1) I'm still writing even if the process is slow these days. It's mostly scripts for TV and radio which I hope to get made. I graduated from art college with a degree in media production in 2004 so have been working towards a career in that sector since. I chip away when I still can.
2) Alongside a friend of mine called Tom I started a games review blog called 'Brake For Frogger' which can be found at I've played computer games for about 20 years now and I really enjoy writing about them. Brake is based on a games fanzine I tried to start up when I worked in a games shop a few years back. We're slowly breathing life into the thing. Good things are planned for 2010.
3) I'm still contemplating getting a tattoo done and I'm pretty sure what to get now.

Who are some of your closest friends?
Apart from Claire who I'm obviously very close with I'd say that my closest friends are Johnny who is a friend of mine from all the way back in primary school. We bonded over a mutual love of wrestling and video games. He was best man at my wedding and we have this strange ability that means even if we haven't seen each other for weeks we can still pick up where the conversation left off last time.

Even though I've only known him for about a year I've become really good mates with Tom. He was on the same nursing course Claire was on at uni. He mentioned to her one day that he liked wrestling and had an Xbox 360. She said that he would get along well with her husband. She was right. We get together and watch wrestling PPVs every ocne in a while too.

I'd also probably put Alan on this list. Al is probably the biggest geek I know and he looks like a stereotypical one (pale, glasses, thin as a rake). I met him on my second day in optics as he worked in the lab alongside me. He started talking about video games and wrestling.

Actually, video games and wrestling seems to be how I meet most of my friends!

I'm such a nerd. :-)
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