Art Rough Draft Submission

Aug 04, 2014 19:34

Hey, artists! The rough draft deadline for art is this Sunday, August 10th at 12 pm PDT. Please follow the instructions below to submit your draft.

For meta writers:
Send your rough draft to cripbigbang [at] gmail [dot] com as an email attachment. Suggested file formats: .rtf, .txt, .doc(x).

For visual artists and fanvidders:
Send an email to cripbigbang [at] gmail [dot] com with either an attachment of your rough draft or a link to your rough draft.

For fanmixers:
Send an email to cripbigbang [at] gmail [dot] com with your planned file hosting site, a track listing, and rough drafts of cover art, if you've chosen to make any.

For all artists:
Title the email you send your rough draft in with the subject line, "[your artist name] - Rough Draft"

In the body of that email, include the following header.

Story Title:
Artist: (use the name you signed up with)
Art type: (fanmix, fanvid, visual art, meta video, written meta)
Percentage complete:

If you have any questions or concerns, comment below or shoot me an email.

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