Thanks everyone who responded to my previous post! Here is the website:
14 NightsIt says it "contains nudity and sex" but so far, there are just one or two images of a guy sitting around without clothes on, as well as some curse words here and there
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Also, small (actually big) nitpic. If you're asking for critique from disabled people, you should make the site accessible. It's difficult for blind and some visually impaired people to read cartoons, because the readers won't necessarily be able to read the text and they definitely don't describe the scene. A mouseover/alt tag that not only relays the words spoken by the characters, but also describes the scene they are in is essential. You can also put text beneath the pages that does the same thing.
The doctor's notes read "had left hand amputated 3 years prior, uses prosthetic hook, 25 years" when he's 27 years old. Doesn't add up. He either had it amputated at 3 or at 25 (with it rounding up to three years). As written, it sounds like he's been using a hook for 25 years, or maybe you meant this doctor to be witless.
Other than that, it's fine. However, I'm not sure what the purpose of that first scene was. If you meant to show that he's in pain and it's making him irritable, fine, but there's no reference to that at all in the rest of the story. If he's just a general prick, that's fine, but if it's his arm you'd think he would make a reference to it in some way, even if it's a friend saying "How's the phantom pain", even if the disability is incidental to the story. It doesn't mean that the issues are ignored in the course of the character's plot. I understand it's not finished, but three chapters in and I'm still wondering what the point was. If the doctor's visit didn't mention him wanting the drug and he was just in for a physical and the doctor called him a fat ass, and he bitched at her, I wouldn't have these questions or expectations.
The doctor's notes, argh! There was supposed to be a decimal there, so 2.5 years. But you can't see it at all! That is easily fixable, though.
And a question is for everyone: Are visually impaired people interested in reading cartoons? I could make the site more accessible if there was any interest.
That said, I have tons of blind and visually impaired friends who love comics and graphic novels. The problem is that most people don't make an effort to make them accessible, so my friends don't actively search them out online. They tend to wait until someone finds one that is interesting, and they relay the scene for them.
Transcripts are useful not just to blind people, but to those with trouble reading small text, dyslexia that makes it hard to read certain colours of text, who speak English as a second language etc. I've had several people thank me for adding transcripts to my comics and image posts because they found them useful.
I was hesitant to write in people heckling him about his amputation, because I didn't want it to seem like that's all the story was concerned about. But then again, the absence of it is also weird.
Thanks again for your thoughtful comments!
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