Quick list of LGBT/disability crossovers in TV shows? Remember your spoiler warnings, unless it's obvious that the characters are both queer and disabled right from the start!
Angels in America - ok, this one's a miniseries, but here we have gay men and AIDS, and they're shown having actual relationships and all. I have a horrible feeling that the gay-man-with-AIDS theme crops up an awful lot in film, though probably not as well handled as here.
Boston Legal -
While they're both straight, the running joke is that Denny and Alan are such close friends that they're effectively a couple who just don't have sex (there's the occasional grope when one or both is in drag), and indeed the central couple of the show. Big age gap, and Denny has Alzheimers, which he usually refers to as Mad Cow. The show is occasionally dire when it comes to other disability issues, but I thought this one was handled reasonably well, at least in the context of the show's total craziness.
aaaand that's all I can think of so far. Any more?
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