Hello everyone! Glad to see we're acquiring members so fast. Feel free to pimp this community in your own journal or in other communities, the more the merrier. I'll probably run around some of the lit communities later today. I don't know any of the communities for films or TV shows, though, so if you want to mention this community there it'd be great.
Firstly, a request. This community needs a nice shiny icon, and I have to admit to being stumped on that one. Offerings, please?
ladyvivien has suggested Bennett in Dollhouse, although she's a keen Dollhouse fan and I'm not so mad on that show myself so obviously she likes this idea more than I do, but it's a possibility if anyone can create or hunt down an icon. If lots turn up, we can even vote on the issue, just think of that.
I've just added this to the user info, but tagging posts would be much appreciated.
If it's a film or TV show, just put the name, e.g. "the piano" or "house md". If it's a book, author and book title, e.g. "dickens" and "great expectations", although if it's best known for being a novel series such as "sookie stackhouse" that will do fine. Then add a tag or two for the issues discussed, e.g. "diabetes" or "wheelchairs". You can check the current tag list to see what's already there, so that we don't end up with two similar tags for the same thing. Then we can all find posts easily through the tag list at the side.
Lastly, please please pretty please remember to put in LJ-cuts on longish posts! And spoilers where appropriate (which everyone has been good about so far). Use your own judgement as to what needs a spoiler warning: "someone turns up with diabetes and needs to be given candy in X episode" is unlikely to upset anyone, but "...and is the murderer" definitely would!