Jan 27, 2005 17:31
Truth has lost its relevance...or so it seems. Disgusted by our lies we question what true faith is, yet seldom do we ever find an answer. It eludes us though it is in plain sight. We're just not opening our eyes to see what really lies before us. Truth and faith have become fashionable ideas adorning our intellect as a way to impress others. Our own personal gain has surpassed any vision we had to pour out that gain to others in an act of grace - thereby rendering our dreams null and void. To really succeed in attaining our spiritual calling we must realize the power that is within us, yearning to be awakened from its slumber. Each person has been called to play a specific role in God's divine play; yet we either forget our lines all together or skip the rehearsal and go straight to the production, expecting to pull it off no problem. God has placed us in this rehearsal for reasons He's worked out in His infinite age. It is our responsibility to learn our parts the best we can and then allow the Divine Director to tell us where we're supposed to go next...what scene we need to prepare for. For without our leader we would never achieve anything beyond normal. And what good is normalcy in the face of eternity? To be mediocre is to walk away without a fight - To throw in the towel before the match has even begun - To live a life that produces no difference in others....Alas, I digress...there are those who push hard for the gain of others, yet in the balance of the universe they are grossly outweighed by those who live for personal gain. "For what good is it if a man gains the whole world yet forfeits his soul?" Christ had the answer over 2,000 years ago. The time to act is NOW! - Learn your role and play it to perfection. The truth and the path leading to it are lying at our doorstep, but first we must make the conscious decision to risk everything in out life to attain it. There is no random chance...no lucky stars. The Director has planned all our parts for us...all we have to do is trust that He planned them for the best. That's where faith lives, yet few ever truly realize it. The risk involved in living such a life is far too great for most. But...NOTHING IS WORTH ANYTHING UNLESS YOU RISK LOSING SOMETHING! For those few who do take this to heart, the rewards are eternal whereas the fight is but a moment. Are you willing to carry the banner...pick up your cross and follow Christ? We are in a fight that has waged for far too long...which side do you want to be on when it's over? We must step out in faith and risk playing a part we're unsure of or uncomfortable with even if others tell us it's wrong. For if you are living in Christ, He will guide you down no wrong paths. Which is a greater risk...playing the wrong part or not playing at all? "For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will find it." :Jesus - Are you willing to give up everything? Are you willing to say "Hey...here I am Lord...take me wherever you need me to be?" Until you are you won't find what your real life is...what you were born to do. To live is to die and to die is to live. May God smile upon you in this day and may He reveal more of His will in your life.
God bless....