Jul 30, 2008 23:09
There are a lot of things I am for and against in society. Maybe I'll talk about all of them eventually (one blog at a time of course), but I saw something yesterday that I just HAD to write about.
Yesterday, as I was participating in the local gamestore's Pokemon tournament, one of the players, possibly about 14 of age, had two DSs with him. I knew he was not gonna be playing twice, as that would ruin the fun, but that is when I saw the final result.
The kid's FATHER, who may have been 40 at most, was playing. He not only had his own copy of Pokemon, but his own DS as well.
I'm not a parent, but I'm all for parents getting involved in what their kids do. I never thought a parent would go this far, but it's cool to see that some parents will go that extra mile to get that hands-on.