*stretches* It's been a long day again today, or at least for the actual day part of it. Apparently, my sleeping or eating habits have been a little wacked out lately, and it's kind of chosen today to make that known. It seems that every time I turn my head I get a little headrush. I think I just need to lay down for a little while. -_-
But in other news...*sigh* I had this whole entry written up about two hours ago. Unfortunately, Lee had to make a phone call right when I was using the spell check feature and cut me off. Though I can understand that. Lee had a good reason....still, it would have been nice if he warned me first. Then I could have saved the entry, or at least posted it and gone back over it with the edit feature later. But no, the five minutes it would have taken to walk up the stairs was too much. T_T I lost the whole thing, and I remember being so happy with it during those breif moments that I thought I was going to post it. So shinny, and golden and perfect....it even had a rant included. And it was good. And then WAM!, black screen! And then three minutes after my cry of heartbroken anguish, Myles finally comes up to let me know Lee needed to use the phone. I was still curled up on the floor and going, "Nooo! No, nonono! Live! LIVE!" An hour's worth of fervid typing, gone...
And the moral of this story is: Never use dialup.
But anyway, after I picked myself up off the floor and wipped the drool off my chin, I went downstairs to use the non-dialup computer. Tried to rewrite the entry, gave up, went upstairs and watched Naruto. I recently ordered episodes one through one hundred seventy-nine off ebay. They arrived yesterday, and they were good. Beautifully translated. I was worried that maybe they would turn out to be rip offs because they were bootleg (I don't care who gets the money, just give me the damn anime!). Though, the company I used to buy from was also considered bootleg, but they made the pretense of being official salespeople by dividing the series up into neat part I-part II-part III sections. I had to change over to these new people eventually when the quality of the subtitles and the actual numbers of the episodes began decreasing, while at the same time the price seemed to be mysterious increasing. These new people on the other hand are definitely bootlegers. Not only did they sell all the currently released episodes in one packet, but also the DVDs that came in the mail look like the disks I used to burn music too...but it was worth it! These subtitles are so perfectly intune with each other, you can actually follow conversations without stopping to ask yourself what every other person was saying! No confusion, no misspelled words, or affronts at grammar! I was so happy I could have cried.
The only problem that I've been able to notice in my beloved new treasures was a momentary glitch in one of the episodes, when the artist meant to show off a character's new outfit by doing this trick were the view slowly rotates around their body. The glitch happened to make the scene pause briefly when it was doing a close up on Sasuke's shorts, but the music kept going, and it wasn't until I rewound and played the scene again that I figured out the view wasn't supposed to linger on the character's nono places.
ME: WTF? WHY is there a three second close up on Sasuke's ass?
*glitch passes and perspective continues to rotate*
ME: Oh wait, his back is facing the other way. That wasn't his ass, that was his crotch.... WHY IS THERE A THREE SECOND CLOSE UP ON SASUKE'S CROTCH?!
And the glitch eluded me still...
But that's nothing compared to what the other guys let slip. I mean, they didn't even try to make sense of what the character's were saying after awhile. Names would be changed and mixed up every other episode, comas and periods forgotten, or in some places no subtitles at all! Like the guy writing them decided he was bored with the scene and wanted to move onto the next one! Oh, but the best was during a dramatic chase sequence in Part III, where Sasuke was trying to find something important, and out of nowhere, Kakashi exclaims, "THEN LET ME DANCE!"
As much as I would love to see Kakashi dance for Sasuke in his time of need, I know that that can't possibly be what the knowledgeable semi-sane sensei meant to say to console his student. Just...no.
*coughcough* But anyway, after I was done watching anime for the day, I got back online and looked up a couple of the characters on yahoo images. I found the one below and started giggling. ^_^ I've seen it before once, but now that I have actually seen both the characters interacting on the show it's all the funnier.
Ah, Neji. When I first heard of him I thought that he was pretty cool. Then he beat up Hinata and trash talked Rock Lee. Then I thought he was a frigid jerk who needed to twist his ankle, or dislocate his shoulder, or receive some other non-fatal but extremely painful injury. But I will admit, he does have a good flashback sequence. It really lit up the whole battle between him and Naruto, even if it was actually very insignificant compared to the Sand story arch that came in shortly after it. The past scenes were so...cute, and sad. And as much as I tried not to just go, "Neji, WHAT HAPPENED?!" all I could do was blink and watch the whole mini story unfold. It was good...But damnit, you cannot like a character just because he has cool flashbacks! You cannot!!
...so, I think that's most of the points I hit in my lost rant. Night, all.