Feb 20, 2006 19:33
Hey y'all,
Just having far too much to say here. I stall on all journal entries (here and otherwise) and ruin my best by thinking I can remember the next morning (I'm a nervous night-thinker, as are a lot of women. Wanda Sykes does a wet-your-pants-laughing-while-crying-while-recognizing-yourself-and-being-embarassed-because-your-laugh-is-telegraphing-all-this bit about that.). I can only picture all I want to say in a frustrated, stuttering, gesticulating delivery.
wOW, YOU aLL.. YOU wITH the BABIES! ALL of these BABIES! Sneaky little babies! SOme of my friends have nearly ADULT children. Holy Flurkin SHNIT!
I'm barely starting to feel grownup, and I rail against it a bit. When it is healthy to want to do something right, and when does it become stalling? Can you procrasinate a family?
Despite a great deal of love, I am one of these worst friends on record. Despite a great deal of dedication, I am lame at delivery of almost any planned...anything. I'd like to think of this as just the byproduct of aiming really high, but the odds are my goals are not that lofty and I just have poor execution. I can excel at one thing at a time, it seems. I have brief, 4-6 month period where I am super-efficient and doing all that crap that God and Oprah recommend (Eat Healthy! Don't Be an Ass! Balance, motherfucker, balance!), and then something TRANSITIONAL happens, and I blow all my progress and start eating candy as a food group, or work WAY too much, or in general let myself get super-stressed out. I'm WAY too sensitive to things people say, and people around here are not nearly as nice as in Chicago. I'm also somebody's boss, which is difficult to do just right. (Although it helps that the person kicks ass.)
How the hell do you create and mother somebody when you are barely capable of living above bachelor 23 year old male levels? I don't want to end up being mom to the kid who has the smelly house.
I've got a million other things to say but this is pretty naked already and I'm trying to dole my overabundant self into managable portions.
BTW- you all in general and most of you specifically all amaze me...I could never be you, and I love reading what you write.