
Jul 29, 2005 23:02

Okay so I'm having problems and you are only allowed to click the cut below if you are going to comment to help or cheer me up or something, otherwise, I will hate your ass for like three minutes. Kthanks. Also, if you leave an anonymous comment to try to help, please sign it with your name or your comment will be deleted. Kthanks

Okay, so let's start off with the basics that I'm pretty sure everyone already knows;

This school year will be so amazing, but I'm afraid I'm not gonna be able to enjoy how amazingly I'm making it because I'll be too busy working and stuff. And I mean, I don't mind too much because I love to work, gives me a feeling of accomplishment and what not, so I mean, it's good that I will have all that work to do, but I don't know if I want it. I mean, my basic schedule is:

1-wake up early in the morning
2-go jogging
3-shower and get ready
4-get to school on time
5-go to Auditorium
6-elective class
7-academic class
8-elective class
9-academic class
10-Student Government (when it happens. duh)
12-over to the auditorium if anyone is there
13-any officer work I need to do
16-do it all over the next day.

And eventually we need to add in that job I need to pay for my Europe Trip and everything I'm going to do stuff for Ms. Langiotti this year and Mr. Hoest and Student Government work. I mean I'm probably just over-analyzing like I like to do a lot but I mean, I don't know if I'm over-analyzing or under-analyzing at this point. So w.e.

Looks like Charlie won't be dating all this year. insert sad face here.

And on the subject of dating, my whole love life ain't too great either. I'm so bad at this dating thing, like seriously. But whatever.

So there's this girl that I'm pretty much in love with...and that's alot for me to say because I don't believe in love and to actually, kinda love's difficult because I really really don't even like people all too easily.

So just so y'all know, all those times when you were like "omg do you like so and so" and I was all like "well sure" yeah I really just had a thing for them... The last girl I liked before the one I fell in love with, was Kate. Feel special Kate!

But yeah, so I mean, me loving someone, it's just weird for me to say and realize because it's difficult to actually love someone. I mean you can be all like "Oh I love you" but no one really means it, you love that person as a friend, a close companion, half the time you don't really know what love is. Like seriously.

I mean, *in my opinion of course, which prolly don't matter to most of y'all* love is when you can be there for that person no matter what. When you wake up, you think about them before you think about yourself. You go to sleep with their face in your mind. You will tell whatever they want to hear just to make sure they're happy. When someone makes them cry, you'll be their shoulder to cry on and then turn around and get in a fight with whoever made them cry that way, no matter how close you are to the person that hurt them.

You'll skateboard to their house at midnight, in the middle of a hurricane, just to give them a note about how you feel, and find out they're not even awake and leave it in their mail-box, not even possitive that they are going to be the one to read it. When you guys or sit together, you won't get up until they do, no matter how much you have to use the bathroom. You don't need to kiss them to know that they are the most amazing kisser in the world.

They can look like shit to the world, but to you, they are the most beautiful person to ever walk into that room. You let them go back to their ex, that they always cried over. The ex that they never wanted to speak to at times, but loved them all over the next. You let her go back just because she wanted to see...even though you knew you had absolutely no say in the matter, she asked you if was okay, even though both of you knew that either answer you gave, she was going back anyways, so you just said yes.

You sat while she complained about everything and just smiled because she told you that the only reason she would complain to you, is because that's how much she trusted you and how close you two were.

So yeah, those are my problems, please anyone and everyone help me. If you don't want to leave a comment, please IM me or something.

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