Saturday I went to the flea market at the Dutchess County Fair Grounds. I love flea markets. I love the Dutchess County Fair Grounds. And this was so much better than the Stormville flea market Shivon, Min and I went to last, even though that one is usually very good. Anyway I bought B.U.S.T.E.D. (or
Everybody Loves Sunshine) --
yuzigangstalady, have you seen
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I giggled like mad at this.^_^ There's just something so lovable (and sort of shmexy too) about it. GUH! I have this tendency to uber-analyze certain things, and this is now one of those things. I keep trying to imagine him recording this, what he was thinking, etc. It's just so **squee**.
LOL I'm not from El Barrio, but close! I lived in Washington Heights, which has a very large Dominican population, until I was ten. Funnily enough I'm not of Dominican descent, but rather Cuban and Salvadorian, but anyway. :P
Thanks again ^_^
Washington Heights? lol, ok! Did you ever stop by Greenwich Village? I'm pretty sure that's where Bowie lives.
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