Jul 11, 2005 06:39
i woke early this morning to the sound of my father dumping out my dog's tubs of water and replacing them with buckets. He had this sudden idea that he did not want the tubs that I find throw around the garage used and getting rusted. But he was not using since my birthday and the for the use of water anyway...what does his think they feed horses with?!? Would he really rather have my dog jumping in the middle of his pond, crashes all his fishes trying to find relief from the summer heat? I took some plastic drawers out of my room and filled them with water...when I am home for the summer I sometimes feel like I am Tida in "Like Water..." trying to deal with the selfish ways of my mother or in this case my father and having to find my own solutions before she/he finds some other way to take that happiness away from me...seems like every summer ever since I was a little girl and I am home alone with my father he turns into some sort of villain in a story about a young girl trying to make it in life and fall in love...maybe one day I will have my happy ending (corny). Swallowing each match one by one...lighting each one as it touches the tip of my tongue...one day.