Things...I emerge from the Bat wave...{waves}. Hi. Everyone. So...mostly work. Games, movies and books, in diff cycles. Random trips into the night, to graveyards and swings and such.
The girl..being...Annie..coming in a few weeks, to stay for night meet and greet yes? I think so, since its been forever since I have seen most. Which..yea stuff..
Hmmm comics, Final Crisis...le sigh...dc comics smoketh the crack. I <3 marvel zombies.
Games. DS- The World Ends With You..being currently fused with my gameboy. It is most excellent. Really. <3 Squar Enix. 360- Ninja Gaiden 2..Ninja Motherfucker...NINJA. Soon. Alone in the Dark..finally. Le sigh, if only RE5 was coming out soon, in the way of survival horror. Dug out the old pc version of Alone in the Dark and played it again. So it will be interesting playing the 360 version. All new and shiny. There are other games...which yea lol.
Movies- Too many to count lol. Netflix you bastard. Iron Man was F to the Fucking awsome. See it in the Cinema if you can. Hulk this week. Hmm..
Tv- yea...dont even remember when I last watched..prolly in vegas. Tho. Watched the new Venture Brothers on the Adult Swim website. Very coolbeans.
yea so...enough of the chatty...
bye bye