I read these last night and wanted to keep them <3
Secrets of the Galaxy I: Sirius gets Serious
By Chris Moors |
creativecosmos.org ![](http://www.red-ice.net/specialreports/2006/03mar/galaxysecretssirius.jpg)
"As an elder in this part of the Galaxy, I would like you to know a little more about your Sun from my perspective. You could almost consider me an Uncle to your Sun, therefore a Great Uncle to you. Your Sun, though brilliant, would be considered about a teenager to speak in Human terms. He has some amazing thoughts, and we are very pleased with His Creative work for the most part. You may have noticed the phenomenon of solar flares and how they are increasing? Well, these could be considered emotional growing pains the Sun is having and unfortunately it is having a distinct and profound impact on your mother Gaia, and upon life on Earth.
Things will be okay and we are here to give the Sun, your father, Love and assistance in His own transformation. Through and beyond these temporary darker overtones is a higher consciousness for the Sun and this is being transferred into the open hearts of Humans on Earth. You are for the first time being given the capability to sync up completely with your father. His thoughts will be yours and we the Stars in the Galaxy can then communicate directly to you all. Many of you are destined to go even farther when all lessons have been learned in your Solar System. There are many other star systems and planets with so many experiences to have!
I have been in contact with Humanity often in the past. The Atlanteans knew me, the Egyptians knew me, the Greeks knew me, and many native peoples were blessed by my deep ancient wisdom. Would you not think that many would say hello to the brightest star in your sky? I am always communicating with you. All of us stars have voices. Learn again to listen to the messages we have never stopped transmitting. You fill your precious subtle minds with such static. Get away from the artificial lights and break free from the background noise. Get back to Life in Nature and see things as they were in the beginning, for each day this eternal truth is born anew.
It is such a pleasure to transmit this message. We have been following the ascension process many of you are going through and are greatly encouraged to see you building such fast and steady friendships with each other. Keep the faith and stand strong together in what you are doing. It is the right direction and the way the awakening miracle is going to occur on your planet. Light is expanding in every direction. One person reaches another and another and another. Soon you will be shining stars in your own right and you will take your place next to us in space. So many blessings are afforded the living. I am sure you and I will be friends for thousands of years."
C. Moors, Pearly Gates Press
Article from:
http://www.creativecosmos.org Solar System Secrets as told by the Sun
2005 06 05
C. Moors |
CreativeCosmos.org ![](http://www.red-ice.net/specialreports/2005/06jun/solarsystemsecrets.jpg)
"The pyramid builders first interacted with humanitys 3rd generation on the planet Mars. It was generally known and accepted that 'aliens' were coming and going frequently. Since it was a part of everyday life, not many found it odd.
The artificial moons Demos and Phobos were 'Eyes in the Sky' put in place by the rulers to enforce societal law. Culture was much like the Ancient Egypt that you have caricature descriptions of in your text books. In fact, the seeds of this nuance come from Pleiadies where the Astral Version of this Theosophy resides.
It was not war that destroyed the civilization of Mars. Their orbit simply moved too far out to sustain the balance that they had enjoyed for 18,000 years. The water began to dry up and food could no longer grow. Air was becoming toxic as the shaking of the magnetic field caused volcanoes to blow. The remaining survivors came up with the Adam and Eve project to save their species and then turned to the pyramid builders for help.
Placing representative DNA samples in transportable containers, the pyramid builders offered to deliver the specimens to the next red planet in, Earth. Ever since then, they have been interfering with the development of humanity. On Mars, the people knew the pyramid builders and were considered partners on an equal basis. On Earth, the pyramid builders have used the peoples forgetfulness to enslave them and make them into servants. Opportunists above all else, it was their cruelty and disregard for spirit which enabled the Giza monuments to be built.
In a previous incarnation, Hitler was a pharaoh and representative of the pyramid builders. He remembered these times and their dramatic magnitude. He could not escape the megalomaniacal visions that consumed him. With like disregard for the suffering of incarnated spirit, he drove the people by the whip of his stinging words and deathly serious sense of purpose.
Now as the Earth begins to move out past the line of equilibrium that Mars did in that age so long ago, humanity has to consider something new. Put together all the experience that you have gained and create the Utopian civilization on Venus. It is not coincidental that humanity named her after the Goddess of Love. She will be the realization of all of our dreams the true lady liberty. Once the final transition has occurred, blessings will be upon you and peace will at last remain for a long enough period to enjoy it.
Eventually you will use the moons of Saturn as a platform to the rest of the Universe. Allow yourselves to think much bigger. Your technology will follow your vision and conviction. There are many ways to look at things and much better propulsion systems on the horizon. Whatever you do, do not take the pyramid builders with you to Venus.
C. Moors, Pearly Gates Press
Article from:
http://www.creativecosmos.org/ the final implosion of reality is on the way. it wont
be a collective implosion of society in as much as it
will be the final breakdown/breakthrough of each
individual coming to grips with the death of the old
reality, with its millenia old trail of deceit, corruption,
murder and violence. it wont even be the death of real
'reality' if i may use that phrase but the death of
the counterfeit reality constituted by simulation,
semiurgy and the codified image. it is the dissolution
of the veil of the officially constructed and
maintained illusion of the real. the singularity is
the flash point or implosion point where all the lies
and smoke and mirrors manufactured through the
meta-context of mass media simply blink out of
existence and we are hurled back to our pure state,
our long forgotten direct connection with universal
law and the grace and love of our creator. this
connection has always been there, only covered up with
layers and layers of deceit built up over millenia of
behavioral conditioning, brutal physical and
psychological exploitation, and spiritual amputation
through technological and cybernetic 'black magic'.
our true and pure state of consciousness, in harmony
with nature and universal law, cannot be effaced or
destroyed by the actions of men and the constructs and
presuppostions of his thought. when the masters of men
reach the heights of their fantasy of total command
and control, the whole house of cards will come
tumbling down.
as the singularity nears we will individually and
collectively begin to influence each other in ways
unimaginable to our current train of thought and state
of consciousness. our individual thoughts and emotions
will begin to directly affect/effect each other
physically as well as mentally. thoughts will begin to
materially manifest themselves and influence and
affect the physical world as well as the mental and
spiritual landscape. as we near the singularity, those
that are aware of what is happening will realize the
awesome power of thought and words, will and
intention. we will all realize the overwhelming
responsibility we have over our thoughts and actions
as they radiate into the cosmos and through each
other. those not sufficiently adept to this movement
of consciousness will succumb to mental
disintegration, physical disease and spiritual
despair. their crisis will signal a two-fold reaction.
it will lead to a breakthrough equated with the notion
of redemption and salvation or a total breakdown
leading to chaos, death and ultimate destruction. only
the level of the individuals cultivation and
development of consciousness will ultimately determine
the final outcome.
as we move closer to singularity we will begin to
absorb and transmute the emotions, thought-forms and
karma of others around us. as a matter of fact, we
will have no choice in this as thought and emotion
begin to manifest themselves externally into the
physical, material world. as we interact at deeper and
more meaningful levels with others we will begin to
take on the physical, mental and spiritual turmoil of
those others. those who are lost in the darkness of
their own suffering will instantly become attracted to
those who have advanced further in the development of
their consciousness as a positive magnetic charge
attracts the negative. this polarization is inevitible
as the the boundries between self and other
disintegrates and universal balance is restored.
conversely, those who have rooted their hearts and
consciousness in love will become sinkholes for all
the pain and suffering around them. they will become
Christs in their own right, taking on the sufferings
of the world in order to balance the energies of the
physical, emotional and spiritual plane through love
and compassion. when these two poles implode and
reunite into one undivided consciousness the
singularity will become reality and all that has gone
on before will melt into thin air as the kingdom of
heaven returns to the hearts of humanity and we once
again take our place among the stars.
Last edited by ItheEye, 3/9/2006, 1:20 pm
I am Semjase. I come from the Pleiades (Plejares) - the seven sisters. There are many people who have made claims that what they have written are my words. Sometimes this is factual. Other times it is the fanciful ideas from persons minds. Some of my words have been spoken and written truthfully, yet on most occasion they are added to, deleted from, or interpreted in such a way that the final message is diluted compared to the original.
I am here to clarify the misconceptions surrounding the messages that are spoken and written concerning my words to varying peoples of Earth. Foremost, I am often depicted as someone else, and photographic images of earth females have been used as an example of what I look like. Any photographic images appearing from this author are not of my own image, but are comparable to my image. I desire not fraudulent claims, and am disappointed that some peoples have made such fraudulent claims concerning photographic images bearing a resemblence to my own image.
I clarify to you that I am obedient to the will of the Creator - the one whom you call "God." God has also had many misconceptions, and has been portrayed by many images, but the truth is that God cannot be portrayed by any image created by mortal beings of any world or realm.
I travel through space and time by dimensional shifting in what you consider the spirit-realm outside of the dimension you exist in. In this manner I can be perceived and channeled, but many who have connected with my essence have added their own interpretation to their experience. These things should not be - I wish they not to be so, but they have nonetheless been done.
I will commence to state that any teaching of physical evolution from a lower life-form to a higher life-form is an untruth. There are beings in the cosmos who teach such things, but this offers only distraction from the Truth. There is spiritual evolution, but no physical evolution. The change from mortality [the bodies disintegration coupled with the spirits ascencion and adaptation to a new celestial body] to immortality is not evolution.
I will furthermore state that there is no reincarnation of life forms. There are only memories that are accessed in two ways: One is that ancestral memories of ancient relatives are passed down through the matrix of consciousness to their descendents. Two is that memories of past living beings exists as energy forms in a quantum flux, and that these energies of dormant memory can be awakened once they come in contact with like matter. The energy of a human memory can awaken once coming into contact with the energies existing in the living brain of a human. Any such memories are not those of a persons own past life, but are in actuality memories of the past life of another person.
I will now contemplate on your thoughts concerning God and religion. God revealed the will of Spirit most Holy to various peoples throughout history upon your Earth. The original message is always quite precise, but after the messenger passes on into the immortal realm, others take the message and change it. Much like has been done to my words. Also, there are beings that incorporate their own rebellious nature into messages and find easy access to minds not prepared to engage such entities by resistance.
Any being of a reptillian or amphibian nature are those who long ago resisted the will of our Creator and were banished from the realms of light. There are seven realms, as there are seven sisters of the Pleiades, and the reptillian factions can exist in six of those seven realms. Only pure Spirit and Truth can exist in the seventh realm which is eternal and constant. Its laws are absolute, and pure love is exuded from it.
Your religions have formed into many factions so that as time progresses there are tens of thousands of differing beleif systems. This is the cause of much war on your planet. Yeshua, who being interpreted, Jesus the Christ, taught a better way, but even his words were distorted and many humans have died in his name. Yeshua was and is the bodily incarnation of the Creator and through Yeshua Truth was taught. Wisdom would be found by disregarding all religious interpretaion concerning Yeshua and submitting ones whole heart, soul and mind to his original teaching.
The prophecies regarding end time events are many, but a consistant theme emerges from within their matrix. I will clarify that the nations of your world will digress in their political meanderings while at the same time in conjunction with this unbalance will the esoteric untruths escalate. I now at this time will not sit silently while my words and those of others bearing the message of Truth are distorted. The distortion of the words of Truth will only lead to war.
You are created with the inner strength and ability to love one another, and this inherent ability can be awakened by opening your spirit for the Spirit of holiness to reside within. The Spirit of holiness which bears all the attributes of the Creator will lift you up beyond the macabre thought-patterns residing within the mortal brain.
Listen to the sounds of nature and behold the shining stars of the night sky. In these you will know that God is eternally alive and near. In quiet places let the cognitions of your souls turn to the eternal and holy things - reaching out by conscious effort to behold Truth as it is in its purest form.
I have not always presented absolute Truth, although I did so by innocence. Only God hold all Truth, and that which is revealed is often subject to diversion and distortion: First, by the mind, and second, by the reptillian entities that still desire to thwart Truth. Once you are aware, you can know, and once you know, you can overcome untruth.
Live in Love and in Spirit, and in Truth, for these are the main attributes you were created to enjoy and to share amongst yourselves.