Zero Point
Zero Point - Z
When the soul spark spirals into third dimension - the physical realms create by electromagnetic energy fieds - polarites - duality - is splits the half - twin aspects.
Half remains above in higher frequency - while the other half moves into the physical to experience emotions and linear time.
This is above and below.
At the end of the cycle of time - the twin aspects merge back into one.
This is the journey - the soulmate we seek - that which makes us feel complete.
Our DNA genetic programming is set to remember our connection to this twin aspect - to understand it as a soul connection to the original source and to seek balance and reunion at the end of this cycle called time.
We spend our lives in the search/quest for our truths - who are we and why are we here. What does the feeling of belonging elsewhere mean? How do we get home?
Ultimately Zero Point is 'Z'.
When you connect the open ends of the 'Z' you get an hourglass which is time which is As is Above, So is Below merging.
It is also the 'X' merge - as in the eXperiment / eXperience in the boX which is physical reality - 3D.
Zero Point - Circle - Completion of a Cycle when both aspects of your soul merge then blink out.
Zero Point Merge is the coming together of matter and antimatter aspects of your soul.
By anti-matter I mean that which is above our frequency.
When Matter and Anti-Matter merge at Zero Point is all blips out of this physical reality/ programmed grid.
It is accompanied by a tone.
It is the polarities of our energy fields that will merge and shift, not the magnetic poles - though they are connected.
It all happens at Zero Point - the orb - the sphere - tones of the spheres now connected to the pyramid - spheres of Qabbalah - tree of life - the egg of creation - the first creational shape of sacred geometry and related metaphors.
Zero - 'O' - the sphere of creation - also references 911 - Ground Zero! 9=endings - 11=Twin Towers.
There is something about NY - a major grid point that goes from the Verrazano Bridge to the Catskill Mountains of upstate NY that is Key to this puzzle.
Ground Zero is Zero Point consciousness. The program ends in a New York Minute!
Gregg Braden - Zero Point. "Zero Point or the Shift of the Ages has been predicted by ancient peoples for thousands of years.Earth and our bodies are preparing for the zero point experience of change collectively known as 'the shift of the ages.' Earth's magnetics are declining very quickly. When the magnetics reach zero and a 180 degree shift of the magnetic field. This is not a flip-flop of the Earth, but a flip-flop of the magnetic field. What we now know as North becomes South. Time will appear to speed up as we approach Zero Point. Remember the Schumann Resonance (or "heart beat" of Mother Earth) has been 7.8 cycles for thousands of years, but has been rising since 1980." Pole Shifts
The sound of a soul leaving the physical body is a 'thuup' noise that one hears when opening something vacuum sealed - Hermetically sealed - Hermes - Thoth - Z (Zero) - Zero Point - the seals are opened and the soul released.
Hermetically sealed: Completely sealed, especially against the escape or entry of air - Impervious to outside interference or influence.
Hermetic Mythology - relating to Hermes Trismegistus or the works ascribed to him. Having to do with the occult sciences, especially alchemy and magic - The Emerald Tablets of Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean - 'As is above, So is below'.
This is about energy not actually disappearing, it is recycling, spiraling out of 3D. It is not that your soul will recycle. The person who is sitting there reading this now will be gone one day anyway - as we all cross over. Your ego identity - signature of who you are - will be gone one day - but it still maintains its frequency - its integrity in other grid programs