Japan Trip (17) - Tokyo Drift (Asakusa)

Jan 02, 2013 01:19

Asakusa - our cultural trip in Tokyo. 
Like the historical district in Kyoto, there's a lot of fun old buildings to look at.

We stopped at the temple to Guanyin. where there's a gigantic lantern at her door step.

Things different between this and the Si Ma Lu Guanyin temple in SG
  • Vendors can set up shops to sell meat dishes in the temple grounds. In Sg, less boisterous n i think you can't serve meat in her temple.
  • You must throw money before making your prayer, and you have to throw so far cos the donation box is placed 5m away, you're practically throwing at Guanyin's statue. Imagine doing this in SG! The monks will have your hide.
  • And yes Guanyin's amulets are most ex. Considering the number of ppl buying, she must be the most powerful n effective deity haha
We headed to the Tokyo SkyTree next. Unfortunately no tickets left to go up but so many fun things to see.
There's this building with golden sperm- snort on the top of it. heeee my hand looks like a monster.

In the river before this sperm building, you can see the Tokyo cruise n it looks like a freaking sub. very chio, love the organic shape. next time must try it!

Besides that, i found naughty statues in extreme forms of PDA, a weird bear with freaky hands waving left n right and best of all, this crackers with packaging displaying two guys hugging and showing chest- errrr i dunno what exotic taste it has - perhaps BBQ chest hair?

Finally, there is this Jiangshi poster and the Actor who looks uncannily like me! Guess i have an undead twin here in Japan.

N since this is our last stop, here's the updated map of our travels! From Nagoya to Tokyo!!!


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