
Sep 22, 2008 11:41

what I hate the most at work is that I sometimes work with idiots. Now, people say "Oh, how mean, she isnt mean or an asshole. Shes nice." The fuck. I tend to stand back and watch whats going on and at work...theres alot of shit that I hate. Like for example, when you work with a certain someone and they are like "Oh can you do this, while I just play the scratch off's" What the fuck? I do all the work and if i were to fuck up, aww shit, they start complaining how things arent done or how im too tired to do anything. Shit, lady. I can't just quit though, i need money for school and personal needs but this shit needs to end. By that I mean, get a different job where i don't have to listen about backstabbing bitches and how they can fuck up your work hours and how im not good enough because I dont have a fucking vagina! Who gives a shit. People make it seem like its such a serious job and we have to do it while all order and we cant be fucking around. Serious? I work at a fucking gas station. When the fuck do I take things serious? Sure, when a person drives off with gas or when a customer comes in and complains how gas is leaking or how this doesnt work, blah blah blah. But you gotta be fucking kidding me when work isnt done and I say I would like to stay and help but NOOOOOOOoo, I cant because im done now. But then keep bitching how things aren't done. What the fuck. Like I said, the only reason Im around is because I need the cash. Fuck man.

Anyways, I got into the World of Warcraft: Wrath of the lich king beta. So far, I love it. Great shit. I would like to go on about it, but i rather not because theres just too much to talk about.

And another thing, Im back in school :) Yes Im back, and so far I love it. My computer graphics class, I love it. I get to fool around with Photoshop and make cool....designs. Easy class, so far. I enjoy it. But being back to school, i just feel good really. I wish I can get a fucking different job but you live with what you get.
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