Nice! I tried Etsy but it didn't sell and I didn't want to pay the fees if it wouldn't sell, so I'm selling on ArtFire :P I wish ArtFire was more well known...
Haha I have a bunch of different filters for different friendsgroups :D
That's good :D ArtFire is exactly the same as Etsy, except there's no seller's fee :P
Under Manage Friends you can create "groups" for your friends. The automatic ones are Local, Online, School, and something else I think...? Anyway, when you post you can choose to make your post Public, Friends Only, Private, or Custom and under Custom is where you can choose one or more friends filters!
I'm selling it through etsy, because I think it's too plain for loli. It's still cute though!
I know, I threatend to take him off of my friends list and friend's lock all of my posts.
I know, I'm trying to do what I can for him.
-high fives back- I'm hoping it lasts a while too, I hate being so unhealthy. I will have an iPod app soon, so I'll be keeping track as well!
Haha I have a bunch of different filters for different friendsgroups :D
I don't know how to do that...
Under Manage Friends you can create "groups" for your friends. The automatic ones are Local, Online, School, and something else I think...? Anyway, when you post you can choose to make your post Public, Friends Only, Private, or Custom and under Custom is where you can choose one or more friends filters!
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