I'm going to be sick..

May 02, 2004 13:12

This is utterly disgusting. How can someone say Bertuzzi be suspended for the rest of his fucking life, yet say that this shouldn't have the same consequences.

I believe it. It makes the Brashear/McSorley incident look like nothing.

Good Lord.

I just... can't believe it. Hockey says it's striking down on all of these incidents, but it keeps getting worse. A stick is a WEAPON. Does someone have to be killed before something is done about it?



- Still packing. Actually, I've not really done all that much today. Went down to Bowser and got some lunch, then an icecream. Bad idea, there's dog hair all over the truck and in a matter of seconds it was covered in it. Lovely.

- Going over to Erins tomorrow to work on that bloody gameboard for Lord of the Flies. We decided that we're going to film next week, and I seriously hope that nothing goes wrong because we don't have an editing program.

- I miss Canucks hockey sorely :/

- Wishbone's in a rotten mood. He's attacking everything, including me.

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