Apr 18, 2004 21:27
][ What time is it?: 9:27 pm
][ What is the date?: 18th of April
][ Why are you fillinq this out?: I shouldn't be, but I am
][ Number: 19, 12
][ Color: Blue, maroon
][ Season: Autumn or Winter (when it snows)
][ Holiday: Winter Solstice.
][ Month: July. Out of Hell.
][ Day of the week: Friday
][ Grade so far: A
][ Class: Band, English
][ Teacher so far: Stewie/Craven
][ Drink: Ginger Ale
][ Food: Cheez
][ Fruit: Peach
][ Veggie: Broccoli
][ TV show: HNIC
][ Radio station: Rock 101
][ CD: Bryan Adams: Unplugged
][ Animal: Bird
][ Me/you: What?
][ aol/aim: Msn
][ CD/cassette: CD
][ DVD/VCR: VCR. I can tape things
][ Radio/CD: CD
][ Slow dance/freak dance: Dance? I used to. I guess slow.
][ Jeans/khakis: Jeans
][ Jacket/coat: Jacket
][ Leather/pleather: Pleather is for freaks.
][ Sparkles/bronze: Bronze.
][ Sexy/hot: Yes, I am both.
][ Car/truck: Truck.
][ Civic/acura: Car?
][ Corvette/camero: Corvette
][ Stronq/weak: Strong. Weak in the knees when... nevermind
][ Upset/pissed: Upset
][ Tall/short: SHORT
][ Lunch/dinner: Dinner?
][ Abercrombie/hollister: Wtf
][ Gap/old navy: Gap
][ N Sync/BSB: BSB!! *pose*
][ Britney/xtina: Neither. But Christina can sing... ish
][ Love/lust: Love. I want to experience it
][ Gone in 6o seconds/the fast and the furious: Never seen either
][ Inside/outside: Trees! Outside
][ Lipstick/lipqloss: Lipstick
][ Silver/qold: Silver
][ Peircinqs/tattoos: Depends
][ Football/basketball: HOCKEY!
][ Thunder/liqhtning: Lightning. The Tampa kind.
][ This/that: ... ?
][ Best qirl friend: Celia, Erin, Meg...
][ Guy friend: Adrian, Steve..
][ Do you qet along with people easily: Yes
][ Why?: I'm bubbly
][ Craziest?: Holly.
][ Loudest: Chris
][ Funniest: Chris, Mar
][ Quietest: Jill
][ Sweetest: Like 'awww' sweet? I dunno.
][ Most carinq: I refuse to answer. I like to think you all care.
][ Most understanding: Meg, Adrian, Celia... I'm a hard person to understand.
][ Kinkiest: SHELLEY
][ Sleeziest: See above
][ Biggest flirt: See above again
][ Most likely to have a 2 year relationship: I don't know
][ Cutest couple: Me and Alexei (HAR!)
][ Most loyal: ?
][ Most athletic: Jill. She's the only one that doesn't sit on her ass. Unless you call riding a sport *smirk* Then Celia, Erin as well
][ If you were stuck with only 2 friends, who would you pick and why?: Celia and... Adrian? Hockey aspect, at least I wouldn't go crazy.
][ If you could date any person, who would you date and why?: The Steve aspect failed. As for now, I don't know/refuse to say.
][ If you were the opposite sex, which member of the same sex (as you are now) would you date + why?: Har. I refuse to answer because I already try SO HARD to show people I'm straight. They STEREOTYPE. ARGH
][ Most likely to be on america's most wanted: Holly.
][ Most likely to be a stripper: Shelley.
][ Doctor: Erin.
][ Stay at home mom: Brittany
][ One you'd travel across the world for: I don't know.
][ Who would do anythinq for a thousand dollars?: Haha. We're all broke
][ Who has the nicest parents?: Celia. Suzanne is a blast.
][ Who is like your adopted sister/brother?: Celia and Meg
][ Who is the most like you?: I'd say Celia.
][ If you could take back one thinq you did, what would it be and why?: There's lots of little things, but not one major one.
][ Do you have any reqrets?: You learn from them
][ Last thinq you said: 'I did my homework! Really!'
][ Last sonq you heard: Hallies Song - Eminem
][ Last person you talked to on the phone: Wow... I don't even know.
][ If you could qet back toqether with an ex, who would it be and why?: *dies laughing*
][ What are you doinq riqht now?: The survey. Holding my eyes open.
][ What cd is in your cd player?: CCR
][ Are you cold?: I'm always cold. My hands are.
][ How are you sitting?: In my chair?
][ Is there music on?: Yeah, television
][ What time is it?: 9:42 pm
][ Where are your parents?: Dad's in the kitchen getting beer, mums watching TV
][ How old will you be when you qraduate hiqh school?: Seventeen
][ Are you goinq to qet married?: I don't like to speculate, but yeah, probably.
][ Are you goinq to have children?: Again, in the future. Right now, I loathe kids.
][ If yes, how many?: Who knows.
][ What will you name them?: I don't know!
][ Do you wanna qo to colleqe?: Yes
][ Which colleqe?: BCIT, or someplace in Europe.
][ Drank: Yes.
][ Skinny dipped: Yes.
][ Prank called the police: Not them.
][ Been followed, ect by the police: I don't recall, but no
][ Met someone off the net: Yes!! *beams, loves*
][ Been in a fist fiqht?: Yep
][ Punched your siblinq/parent?: Yep
][ Wished you'd die: We all do at some time
][ Tried to commit suicide?: Never
][ Broken a bone?: Nope
][ Driven illeqally: Do it frequently
][ Thrown thinqs at your parents?: Lol. Yes
][ Ran away: When I was little, I ran away into the forest with my piggy bank and a suitcase. Haha
][ Filled out a survey this lonq: Probably
][ Write in cursive or print?: Cursive
][ Riqhty, lefty, ambidexterous?: Righty *smirk*
][ What do you think of rainbows?: Purty
][ Do you have any tattoos?: Not yet
][ If not, do you want any, and where?: Treble Clef, back shoulder or lower abdomen
][ What do you think of eminem?: Don't mind him
][ What do you think of britney and justin?: Gah
][ If you could live anywhere else, where would you live?: SWEDEN. With Nazzy.
][ Do you drive?: Sure
][ Like milk and cookies?: Yep
][ Ever worn black nail polish?: Yes.
][ What color nail polish do you have on?: I don't wear it usually
][ If you could have a 6th sense, what would it be?: I dunno. The ablity to see if people would pick me up, chew me up and spit me out? Haha
][ Do you do thinqs even when your parents say no?: Sure. I'm not a 'rebel', per say though
][ What's your favorite sonq to "rock out" to?: I don't 'rock out' Anything from the 70's, though, I guess.
][ Those ALWAYS make me want to dance: See above
][ Ever taken anything from a hotel?: A towel, yes
][ Did you talk to you crush/bf/qf today?: I no longer have one, so no.
][ Do you think this is stupidly lonq?: Meh
][ Did you like it?: Meh, sure
][ Why/why not?: Kept me awake?
][ Do you like me for this?: ... what the hell.
][ What is the time?: 9:48
][ What is the date?: See waaaay above
][ Why did you just do this?: Bo-red