May 01, 2007 22:48
Sorry World,
I've been a wee bit bitchy lately I'm a knotted ball, stressed and I'm grumpy...not a good combo. N's dad's whole family including 2 dogs & a girlfriend great grandparents cosins grandparents aunts uncles have descended on us...(mainly on the lil prince) this evening for at least a week. The circumstances for the earlier visit are very sad. God Bless them All! .....but selfish lil me just feels like we are puppets for yet another week. I don't have one free day this month & its only may the 1st. I keep thinking of a you Tube Video I watched about the 1st of May. I cannot go in 4 directions at the same time and I'm breaking. I am going downstairs now to try to do some homework but will probably fall flat on my face asleep on my books. I'm ready to cry and I'm going to get my tooth fixed at 7:30am. 2 months minus a day till vacation. Do I need it. First week is camping with mom & then Rachel's Wedding & then Off to Edmonton to see all of the family I just complained about. I do love 'em I just get overwhelmed, daycare doesnt know whats going on, I don't know whats going on, Mom doesnt know whats going on, no one ever knows whats going on ~ everything is up in the air and I'm trying to catch all of the pieces otherwise all hell breaks loose. Anyone want to do 2 math projects one week ahead is now behind me and the next 14 days till term ends dont look so hot either.
Grumpy Grumbly G.