"You can't make Socialists out of individualists. Children who know how to think for themselves spoil the harmony of the collective society which is coming where everyone is interdependent."- John Dewey, reformer of the American public school system-
I knew there was a reason I hated public school......now this quote made me laugh really hard becuase now all those years of public education make sense. It wasn't really about the education. Now I know, in logan at least there are some great teachers but I think we, as individuals really need to re-think this public education thing. (I swear...I'm homeschooling my children...really school didn't make the the mostly well rounded individual i am... my family, my experiances and I did. I would have had friends regaurdless so none of that properly socialized crap...we are humans...social beings by nature -we'll find a way.bla blah blah) we've come to accept public schooling as the only option but i really think there is another way. Marriage has changed my views, eventually I will raise children and I want to give them the best opportuinity to have a better education than i did. what did school really teach you anyway- I learned how to power nap in Crane's history class, I learned how to be wild and crazy and annoy this SHIT outta of Mizti and everyone else, I learned how to lie and get out of french class by saying I had tech crew duty. I learned how to stretch the homeowrk or project deadlines....I learned how to suck up and munipulate teachers.( that was a fun lesson) but almost everything i learned (sans some material in Como's class) I already knew, it was just a re-hash of elementry stuff. I've really done all my learning in college.....I dunno. think about it.
really good,entertaining makes-you-think-a-little eassy on homeschooling at