Nov 02, 2009 01:56
Using the same issue you picked last week and will eventually research and argue in the next essay, state the issue and then write your position statement on the issue. Briefly state 3 arguments to support your position and one counter argument.
The topic I will be discussing will be what are the benefits to communal living arrangements in the modern world. One way of summarizing the arrangement of communal living is to give an average estimate of multiple mission statements found. To create a place where people get what they need, give what time (labor) and money (support) they can, and don't obsess over accumulating stuff that they don’t need. That right there is easily three good reasons that make communal living a positive endeavor but I will go further then that in my essay.
Usually found more prominent in less capitalistic countries, communal entities have a far reaching affect on those involved. It is more like an extended family, a gathering of like-minded neighbors, who wish to enjoy the peaceful and tranquil nature of being free and interdependent instead of plucked into a familiar caste system built around ignorance of birth or wealth. People generally confuse communes, with cultist ranches, or hippie farms, or say they are nothing but filthy dregs in society’s back yard. But that is not always the case, even if they do sometimes contain members that might think outside the approved norm from time to time.
Many communal ventures generally take care of their issues from within, in usually a more democratic process then you would find in the average city council meetings.A communal living arrangement is basically a place where you share ownership in everything equally across the board. There are no discrepancies in chore duties, leadership and security details, financial gains, or monopolistic proprietorship of lands and living/entertainment structures. Everything in a communal arrangement is shared equally, part for parcel, among the inhabitants.
As you can see I still have trouble trying to edit and cut my wording down to size but I'm pretty thrilled I was able to find something that I didn't know enough about and interests me enough into further research.., and wasn't whoring the spotlight like everyone else's differences of opinion on gay marriage.
communal living,
argumentative essay,
alternative lifestyles,