Chapter 1

Aug 23, 2012 23:12

  The land of Athanasia, a once peaceful and beautiful planet, now wrought with the terror of war. A planet reeking of fear and blood of innocent civilians, corpses of woman, children, and men caught up in a conflict not meant for them littered the lands, turning luscious green lands of Vyla into a crimson wasteland.

Though the attack on the Empire came as a surprise- an unfortunate blow to the many innocent citizens that were caught up in the ambush- the damage was incomparable to the destruction in the Kingdom of Euthalia-Lavena brought on by the unstoppable war they had started.

A small boy of mere 14 years, ran fearfully through the wartorn streets, looking for a safe refuge away from the soldiers that sought out his death. How many times had it been already were he had nearly been killed, but somehow miraculously escaped to his own surprise? He had lost count- the only thing on his mind was to survive. He just needed to survive. The gnawing ache emitting from his stomach from lack of meals for almost and entire week, and the pain shooting from the many cuts from his knee and arm from his deadly escapades in order to escape the soldiers- none of that matter to him. Not with the Euthalian soldiers stalking the streets, waiting for their prey to run right to them as they took pleasure in the expressions of those they were about to kill.

A few more hours... A few more until sunrise, then the soldiers would be easier to spot. Though, daytime could hardly be called just that, as the sun would be clouded by a thick screen of smoke that it was more like an endless night or hopeless terror, it gave just enough light to help the survivors live for another day. The young boy lucky as he was nimble, quick, and his determination mixed with his willingness to fight back, all aspects to help him stay alive, but he grew tired as he had to endlessly run from soldiers during the night, and the slight sunlight gave him was welcomed help.

The boy slowed down, allowing himself to catch his breath for a few moments. The strong scent of blood signalling that the men had been in the area not too long ago, wreaking havoc on the survivors who managed to escape their grasps on their first sweep. He leaned against a wall as his breath began to slow and looked to the castle that the town surrounded. From where he was, he has a good view of the fortress and couldn't help but notice its majestic beauty, even as the enemy forces tried to take it over. He could hear the distant noises of gunshots and cannons trying to break through the magic barrier that protect the land's sacred landmark, the last hope for the people of Vyla. He couldn't help but feel that Euthalia's efforts were futile- at least, he hoped they were.

Realizing he had been stationary for much too long, he pushed off the wall and started aimlessly on his way again. Just as he was about to turn the corner leading to a dark alley, the sound of footprints echoed off the walls behind him. The sudden movement on the enemies part got his heat pumping and his adrenaline rushing, and he picked up his pace determined not to become another victim of war.

As his footsteps became more rushed, so did those that followed hot on his trail and as they grew closer and closer, he could hear mens voices yelling at one another. When he turned a corner, he caught a glimpse of the two men pursuing him, their voices exctiedly booming at the sight of the boy, calling others to join in the hunt. The chase continued, the boy zig-zagging through the streets, avoiding the paths that soldiers could be heard running down as he attempted to get away. Luckily he was much faster than the Euthalian men, but their hunting group grew and it became harder and harder to avoid them. The challenge he offered to them, exciting them only more.

One close call after the other, having split seconds to decide his next route, he finally caught a break and manage to cram himself into a hole in a alleyway using a barrel as a barrier seconds before a pair of soldiers ran around the corner. His breathing was abnormally heavy, the chase seeming like it had lasted for hours. He was tired, hungry, and out of energy.

And so, he waited and waited until their was not even the slightest noise outside of his hiding spot. The sun had already started rising, splashing an ominous red across the horizon, meaning that hours had gone by. The boy crawled from his spot, his legs cramped and sore from the tight position. All was quiet. Almost too quiet. He could no longer hear the futile attempts of the Euthalian forces trying to break into the castle... Where was he? He hadn't been able to keep his bearings as he fled through the city.

Feeling uneased by the silence, he decided to get moving and turned the corner into the next street, running straight into a soldier whose gun was up and ready. His finger was already placed on the trigger, almost as though he was waiting for him. Unsurprised by the boy's sudden appearance before him, his finger began to pull back on the trigger and the younger man frozen in his spot, too stunned to move. The gun resounded with an eerie bang that echoed through the streets.

Quinn awoke with a jolt, the image of the gun pointed at his face still clear, and the almost too realistic bang from the gun ringing in his ears. He slid his hands down his face, rubbing the sleep away and hoping to erase the images that projected on his eyelids every time he closed his eyes. He still didn't understand how he had gotten out of that situation- it was all a blur, a memory he tried to suppress from his mind. He did not want to remember the fear that was brought on by that man, and the feeling of being a fraction of a second too close to death for comfort. He did not want to remember the first time he had killed a man.

That was seven years ago, the start of the terrible war that would last two long years. The experience and memories still fresh in his mind, as if they had happened only days ago. A nightmare that he couldn't seem to shake. Only five peaceful years since Euthalia-Lavena had been forced to sign a treaty to stop the war, having no other choice than that but to completely lose their kingdom. Now the once prosperous kingdom was a quarter of its original size, losing land along with the war.

“Those who rush in, are often the those who come out last,” his foster mother often used to say. And rush in the Euthalia had. The allegations made against the Emporer turning out to be false, an excuse to start a useless war. The mystery of what really happened to the King's daughter was still unsolved after the Emporer promised him that his daughter had not been taken by him. The King believed his words, though Quinn was sure that he must have lingering feelings with his daughter still missing. However, the subjects of the kingdoms, unaware of the real reasons for the war, accepted the peace that came with the treaty with open arms. Forgiving in order to be able to live normally again.

The dark haired boy stood from his spot in the streets, not phased by the fact that he had fallen asleep on the dirty cobblestone that many had trampled on. The many years of being an orphan living in the poor area of Rodakis made him used to the dirt and grime that stuck to his clothes and skin. Actually, he was quite surprised by how clean Kallisma was- it almost gave the impression that the kind hadn't fallen off his pedestal. Of course, Quinn knew it had to be that way, for he was possibly one of the only people who knew the threat that the King really posed beneath the facade. To everyone else all seemed normal and the city was as lively and care free as before the war.

Quinn wandered over to the large fountain situated in the center of the cities square. Splashing a bit of water onto his face and hair, he cleaned the dirt that stuck to his face from a weeks worth of undercover work. He had only just been able to get some useful information last night at the bar thanks to a group of drunken soldiers.

He stared at his reflection in the smooth surface of the water, and the handsome brunette stared back with his deep blue eyes and soft facial features. His hair fell in wet clumps in front of his eyes, and he shook his hair so that it would resume it's usual messy style.

“Don't get into any trouble, you hear? You better come back here alive.” A younger woman's face popped into his head, her words repeating themselves as he thought of what was to come. He chuckled to himself slightly as he remembered her stern look as she helped him prepare for his journey. If she ever found out what he was about to do... Well, perhaps she'd forgive him eventually.
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