And for another topic

Mar 24, 2006 18:04

Kingdom Hearts II


It just hit me how close we are from it's US drop...

...I just saw the intro to it, out of see if I was still interested after beating KH

.....I fucking cried it was so beautiful.

Passion, by Utada Hikaru, is brilliant, first and foremost.

Why did I cry? Because, honestly I love Sora. I am and always will be a Riku fan by heart (he's my baby and daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn does he look fine in KH2) but Sora's story is soooo sad. And if you know Namine, the intro includes her and Kairi and omigod it was beautiful and them mouthing the words to Passion was beautiful and they were beautiful.
Not to mention there's this whole silent section that's just stunning....

Back to Sora
So, of course, the intro has to do with Sora, Kairi, and Riku. But there's this one part where Sora's flying backwards near the end over the water and back to Destiny Island and you see him with Riku and Kairi on both sides of him....

...and they're all holding hands

and you know how he's trying to get back to them and trying to make things right so desperately so seeing them in the sand with their eyes closed, holding hands.... I was so happy....

and then, he was gone and Roxas was blasted through him kinda.... and it went to the opening screen of KH2 only it was KH-style opening....

..and I just lost it.

I remember whispering like "Nooo, don't take him away... he wants to go back so much....."

Edit: On a slightly sexier note....Riku, godDAMN *squeals*!

kingdom hearts 2

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