Angel Sanctuary vs Family

Oct 02, 2005 20:48

not really... lmao cousin just compared me to Raine from Tales of Symphonia, since I get excited for knowing something new and forget how silly I look to everyone else in the process...

but in other topics:
I read Angel Sanctuary 9 and 10, so I'm all caught up in the English version (yay). Kurai is the smex, hands down, and so is Mad Hatter, but you already knew that. Kira is starting to scare me... (thank you phantomemotion ) and Alexiel looks hoooottt!!!!!!

I want more KatanxRosiel, but a certain someone's appearance in book 10 (whom I like to call: Damn, I can even pull off a three-winged angel!) made me really happy!!!!!!!

I talked to Liz lizzr today. In fact, we spent a good few hours together, talking about stuff while I did my homework in Barnes and Nobles (yes, that is where I do my homework on the weekend. Got a problem with it? STFU1!!111 j/k)

wow, I'm hyper. Probably from when Liz and I found Naughty Sayings in French 3 or something like that. I personally find Personally getting to know Charles-the-Bald the perfect translation/saying to mastubation XD. I must use that more often.

And as a parting gift to my incessant hyperness, a conversation from last night:
Uncle: So, do you miss home?
Cousin: Yeah! I especially miss Tiffany
Uncle: Who's Tiffany?
Cousin: My bike. I use to ride her day in and day out. I miss her a lot. She was perfect, always managing to make me feel better with even the quickest of rides
Uncle: (smirk) Are you afraid someone else is riding her now?
Cousin: No, because when she was stolen last time, she threw the person off and he got badly injured. I'm the only one allowed to ri-
Uncle: You walked into that one, kid.

I ♥ my family

family, manga, uncle, angel sanctuary, cousin

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