You do know that my fave color is RED, and so is the model. ♥
I'm kinda alarmed that my sister told me that GD's album will be released on the same time when SUJU will release theirs? Is this true? Woahh 1 is to 13. That would be a very tough one.
I know it's kinda late, I've finally watch Bloody Monday. The first episode was awesome, and I stopped at episode 11 I think. Miura Haruma is hot as Fujimaru Takagi, I've always find cerebral guys so hot, just like "L" of Death Note. I just got a thing of intelligent guys. Why can't I meet such guys in real life. *sigh* *LOL*
I'm not a big fan of SNSD, but I will make a fearless forecast that SNSD's new song GEE will receive a major award this year. This song is my LSS.
About the recent CDTV "Most Wanted Lover" ranking, I'm actually got very excited when I saw Takahiro's name on the list. It went up few 2 notches up from last time. My sister were spazzing few weeks ago when we remember how Yamapi was "hurt" by Takahiro sometime long ago. It was in Hey3x I think where Yamapi asked Takahiro was he was ignored by the latter, or words to that effect. It amuses me and my sister so much that Yamapi has to ask this question in national tv. Takahiro replied he's just shy to greet Pi, or words to that effect. LOL Me and my sister think Takahiro is so hot, EXILE made the right choice when they chose him. Pi is so cute, he was hurt when Takahiro didn't greet him/acknowledged him. Would you be hurt by someone you don't care about? Omg I have weird OTPs. LOL Still on Takahiro, I think it was cute that Takahiro mentioned that Tohosinki is his senpai when both guested on Music Japan(?) sometime long ago. Jaejoong was surprised. It's cute.
Jaejoong CDTV ranking went down but it's okay, he's still on top 10. Massu's ranking went up! It must because of Rescue? ^^ Jin and Kame on top spots. That's predictable. ^^