More Randomness

Mar 22, 2010 23:07

I thought about starting a new livejournal but I decided that since there was so much history here, it would be kinda sad to start somewhere else. Plus, even though I want to update more, I usually end up stopping again a few days/weeks later anyway and why take up another URL? lol.

I really haven't updated anything here lately, even my older posts are random and unclear as to what is going on in my life.

Right after I announced my engagement on here, I found out I was pregnant. Then in Dec 2008, I ended up in the hospital around 30 minutes away from dying because the embryo ended up implanting in my tube and rupturing it to the point where I was internally bleeding. Out of work until Feb 2009 so I had to beg for money from my family members just to pay rent.

Got promoted to GM at Jason's Deli, then kept getting treated like crap by the owners and decided to quit. Took a huge paycut to go to McDonald's (making a lot for an hourly manager there) so having some money problems, though I am not stressed about my job and I don't hate going to work everyday now.

Jeremiah and I are still together, still engaged, though the ordeal we went through in Dec did test our relationship. But we made it through it and we're okay now (well...we still have disagreements but what couple doesn't lol).

Still have Sheba. Still love Sheba. Had a puppy named Angus for about 8 months, but he got too big for our apartment and found a great home for him with a man down in St Pete. Loved him, but we couldn't keep a 75+lb dog in a small one bedroom apartment. Plus, he LOVES his new home and his new owner sends me picture updates so I still get to see him :)...And we can visit whenever we want hehe...

Still battling with exhaustion. Always have and I think I always will. All I want to do lately is sleep. I haven't read a book since January...weird for me. I just can't keep my eyes open long enough to get through even part of a book.

Jeremiah got his previous student loans payed off so he got new ones and starts school in a week...Jealous...though it is a means to my schooling so I guess I can wait 2 years until he finishes. Then he can make the money and I can go down to a minimum wage job and go back to school. Still thinking Forensic Anthropology, though things could change. 2 Years is a long time.

I really, really want to move back up north. I have such a bug to move. We don't have the money though, and I really can't move without a job. Melissa came down this past week and we got together and it's comforting to know that we can talk like it was yesterday we last saw each other...and that I'd/We'd have people to hang out with if we did happen to move up to Minnesota. Don't think that's going to happen as soon as I'd like it to though.

Well...I'm tired...gonna watch some Family Guy or something on Discovery until I fall asleep. Off tomorrow...Dunno what I'm gonna do. Probably nothing, but that's okay.

Alrighty then...
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