There are Guy/Kyle prompts at
Porn Battle 11! And I didn't submit them!
I wasn't sure I'd have time. But some wonderous soul out there submitted prompt for my tiny OTP, which means I am required by fannish law to write at least one response. As an extra bonus, on DW the comment limit is ~2,750 words, so I shouldn't have my usual, "Argh, I've gone over again!" problem.
There are six prompts: tentacles, bro-hugs, green, warrior, art, nude
And because I'm feeling over enthusiastic this morning, the first person to guess which prompt I'm writing first may request a Guy/Kyle comment fic of their very own, with any prompt they please (edit: that is, they may make up a prompt, they don't have to pick one of the battle ones).
Also, the Porn Battle allows more than one person to answer any given prompt. Just sayin'. *g*
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