New Year's Resolutions
I never used to do NYRs, but two or three years ago I gave it a shot for reasons I don't remember and it worked out really well for me. So now it's an annual thing.
First off, let's see how I did on last year's resolutions:
1. Do more social stuff offline. -- A little bit successful. Maybe. Not entirely unsuccessful, anyway. I'm working on a new friendship, and it's still in that awkward finding reasons to ask the person to hang out in their off time place, you know?
2. Answer every e-mail and LJ comment no more than three days after I receive it. -- Very successful.
Not that I didn't miss a day here or there, of course. And I missed better than a week on three occasions, one of them being these Christmas holidays just past. But in general this has been an excellent endeavor. It pleases me very much to see my inbox be under control, to not lose the thread of conversations, and to know that friends and other fannish folk aren't left wondering what the heck happened to me. At least, not on e-mail. *g*
3. Check in regularly with online friends via AIM/gchat. -- Very successful.
I handled this by diving time into three day chunks and requiring myself to sign onto AIM at least once during those three days. As above, there were times when I missed a three day chunk, but in general I've been in touch with folks on AIM a whole lot more than before. Yay!
All of that is good! So I'm pleased with those.
I'm less pleased with how the last three months of the year went. My fic writing sputtered, I completely fell off the going to the gym wagon (except for personal trainer visits) after two and a half years in which I never faltered for more than a month, my sleep schedule crept too late and left me always feel tired, and my stories in need of feedback count crept up into the 200s. Grr, argh.
So this year's resolutions are mostly about getting back into the swing of things that I thought I had down pat. :-/
2011 New Year's Resolutions
1. Write 100 words every day. EVERY DAY. No exceptions. 365 days straight. No excuses. Do it on your iPhone standing in a line somewhere if you have to. 100 words is all of 5 minutes. Do it.
2. Get back on the 6 days a week gym schedule. Specific goals:
(a) Get back to 100 push ups from the toes (I'm down to 20).
(b) Get up to a 30 minute run (not including warm up/cool down) at 6 mph and 3.0 incline.
3. Go to bed at 9:00pm (on work nights) like I'm supposed to. This is necessary to make #1 happen, remember?
4. Get back on the feedback wagon. At least one comment every day, unless I have commented on everything I've read and haven't read anything new. Given that the 200+ feedback bookmarks are making this feel hopeless, I give myself permission to delete them and start fresh, just this once. Apologies to all the folks who didn't get comments from me who were supposed to. :-(
It already being the New Year, and having started my resolutions on the 4th (my first day back at work), I have four days of data to work with, and so far, so good! Even if my thighs feel like they've been beaten with a meat tenderizer after going back to the gym. *wry*
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