FIC: Wanted: One Person Willing to Wear an Experimental... (1/1) Guy Gardner, Kyle Rayner (G)

Jul 20, 2010 00:16

TITLE: Wanted: One Person Willing to Wear an Experimental Nuclear Accelerator on their Back
AUTHOR: crimsonquills
FANDOM: DCU (Green Lantern)
CHARACTER/PAIRING: Guy Gardner, Kyle Rayner

Green Lantern Corps, Guy/Kyle; Guy and Kyle get hired on as extra help for the Real Ghostbusters.

(You know you've been doing admin too long when you spell accelerator as "excelerator" the first time, and it takes you better than 30 seconds to figure out why this is wrong.)

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fic rating: g, fic fandom: green lantern, fic (my stories), fic genre: slash

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