'zine unloading dilemma

May 20, 2009 03:49

It is ten to four in the morning and, for reasons I won't go into right now, I have just finished packing my bag for MediaWest. Yay!

But this has reminded me of a dilemma I should have posted ages ago, because there's no way I'll get an answer before I have to leave the house at 10:30am for the airport. But oh well. Anyway, the dilemma is that I have decided to offload 90% of my zines. I'm only keeping the ones I've contributed to an a couple of rare fandom ones. This means that I have a lot of MUNCLE 'zines to pass along to someone else, and something like 8 Wild Wild West zines, too. Not to mention half a dozen miscellaneous fandom ones. The zines completely pack a standard file box with about 8 that don't fit in. (I know this is not very many to a true 'zine collector, but it's a lot to me.)

So...how do I pass these along to people? They're good sized 'zines, so anyone who wanted more than one would be paying a fair bit in postage. Plus I want to get about $5 per zine--they're in excellent condition and are good 'zines. So that would make them expensive to mail. I wanted to take them to MWC to unload, but I'm only taking carry on, and that bag is full enough that I would only be able to fit half a dozen 'zines into it, which hardly seems worth the trouble. I don't want to check a bag because (a) I hate waiting for luggage and (b) I have a layover in Las Vegas that is structured to be the Inevitable Checked Bag Losing Experience.

Anyone have any ideas?

fannish goodies

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