a question for the New Yorkers on my flist

Jan 31, 2009 09:44

I hope this question isn't incredibly stupid, but I know nothing about the physical geography in New York, so here we go.

Steve was born in 1917 1921/22 (ETA: I'm a bad fan. This is what I get for trusting wikipedia. I should have known--he was supposed to be about 20 when he joined up around 1941.) and grew up poor in Brooklyn Lower East Side of Manhattan (ETA 2: Geez, I'm just made of fail today). Given that, would he have had an opportunity to go sledding/tobogganing? Assuming yes, would he have had to go somewhere in particular to find a good hill for the purpose? If so, where and would it be a long walk? Would his family have bought the sled, or borrowed it, or made it?

(BTW, it's okay if the answer is "no, he wouldn't ever have gone". I can work with either yes or no. I just need the answer that won't make New Yorkers roll their eyes at me when reading. *g*)

Any other random details are appreciated, but this is for a Winter Fluff ficlet (the due date said end of January...it's still January! In my time zone!), so don't put too much energy into it.


steve/tony, fan fic progress, fannish discussion

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