I'm incredibly wired and have no idea how I'm going to get to sleep. I should have gone to bed 15 minutes ago, but I just knew I'd lie there, mind racing, for an hour and then have to get up and try to calm down. So instead I'm hoping I'll be able to calm down by 10:30pm, which will still give me 8 hours in bed, if not actually asleep.
I'm not wired for any particular reason, it was just a really good day. (Yaaaaaay!)
I didn't get as much done at work as I wanted to, but I did completely finish one of the five displays that has to be done in time for set up on Thursday. That gives me two days to do the other four, but really, I ought to be able to do two a day. The one I did today only took about 2.5 hours to do; I'd have done two, but I got distracted by e-mail, financial stuff, people dropping by my office, etc. as always happens on Monday.
On my lunch break I dashed out a ficlet that has gotten some wonderful feedback. Plus, it's one of very few stories of mine where I find I like it more each time I read it instead of less. Whoo hoo!
After work I set out on my quest and was successful in acquiring
UnbelieveablyAdorable!Tony (second from the right). I bought the Hall of Armor pack to get him, but it was so worth it. Besides, the other three armors are cool, too. I also had to go to another municipality and it was two hours round trip and I developed a not-quite-a-blister, but it was worth all that, too--look how cute he is! *huggles tiny!Tony*
When I got home I heated up some leftover food that was extremely tasty, and got all my evening tasks done, and (finally!) hung one of my bits of art. Even my iTunes playlist seems like it's cooperating; it's picked just the right songs for the shifting of my mood and activities!
It was a good day. I wish I could bottle this feeling and save it for later!
(I need a happy Steve and/or Tony icon! They aren't smiling in any of the ones I have, except for the CuteOTP one, but that's not quite the right kind of smile for a really cheerful post. I shall have to go on an icon search. Also, why is it that I can't find a Steve icon that I like? There are some awesome ones out there, but they don't quite grab me. I suspect it's because Steve just isn't my type, physically. I rarely find out-of-uniform Steve hot, although I have been known to ogle his body in uniform. *g*)
ETA: Already 10:30. Still not sleepy. To try to sleep or not to try? Might as well give it a shot, I guess...