Icon meme!
1. Reply to this post, and I will pick four of your icons.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon squee!!
webbgirl picked these four of mine:
This one was made for me by
sithdragn, in response to a meme where you create an icon based on people's interest list, I think! The figure is from one of Cirque du Soleil's shows. I'm a huge Cirque du Soleil fan. I've been to every show of theirs that has visited Vancouver (since Allegria, which is the first time I ever went). I use this one a lot when the comment doesn't have an fannish connections, since it's one of my few non-fannish icons.
This is the cover art for "Callahan's Crosstime Saloon", by Spider Robinson. I added the words "Shared joy is increased; Shared pain is diminished" myself, but the phrase is one often used by Spider both in his books and in "real" life (i.e., interviews and appearances). I love the philosophy there, so I often use this icon when I'm being sympathetic or supportive to a friend, or when they are sharing good news or a good mood.
I know this is a terrible icon, since you can't tell what the heck is happening, but I love it anyway. *g* I can't remember which episode of Law and Order this is from, but in this scene there's a thug in the holding cell attached to the bullpen and he's shouting really obnoxiously about how hungry he is. Mike Logan opens the cell for some reason and this guy leaps out and starts running around the bullpen. Mike grabs him, slams him down on a desk, grabs a nearby muffin and proceeds to ram in into the guy's mouth, shouting all the time about how if he's hungry, here, have a muffin! There are muffing bits flying everywhere in the scene at full size and length. It's just such a terribly Mike thing to do, I had to have an icon of it. And it makes a good angry!icon, too. *g*
This was made by
fire_tears from a page in Marvel Adventures: Avengers #15. The Marvel Adventures books have the best lines. *grins* It makes a good "strange things are happening! but that's normal" icon. *g*