sophiaacademy application

Aug 02, 2011 19:43

Name: Enno
Personal Journal: AbysmalDream
Contact: AIM: ZerstoererWolfP1 MSN:
Current characters: Tempo Cardei

Name: Dillan Rey
Canon: Pokémon Red, Blue, Yellow
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Role: Student, 12th.

Background (AU): To start with, Red has not Awakened yet.

Red was born in Spain as Dillan Rey, to his American mom and Spanish father, who was a reporter. Like his dad, Dillan had red eyes, and since he also liked wearing the same color even when he was young, he was nicknamed Red. His mother met his father when she'd been traveling abroad just out of college, and fell in love almost instantly with the casual, suave gentleman. So she moved in with him after settling affairs at home, and they wed. When he was 7, his father received an offer at a prestigious American news agency, and took it, as one would expect.

Moving to New York, they lived in Manhattan near the television studio, and as such, Red is used to being in the know of things and watching the news as his father would always tell his little Orgullo the newest things going on that would interest him. They lived pretty happily and comfortably.

When he was 10, his father went out on a news assignment back to Spain. There was some sort of accident, a cover-up, and then finally after months of waiting, the report that his father was listed as dead, and the body not found. His mother was devastated, and Red heart-broken. His father had been everything to him, and he'd lied about coming back to take him on their fishing trip for his birthday. His mother never dated anyone else, as she still believed he was alive and she'd wait as long as it took.

Using a good bit of the last of his savings, Red's mother bought them a house in the Bronx. Here Red had to learn to fight as his quality of living dropped sharply. His mother also had to take a job to support them, and while Red kept up his grades, he stopped socializing as much, and spent a lot of time away from home after school. The reason why; a gang had descended upon his neighborhood, and Red was trying to force it out with a few friends he'd made.

This went on until he was 13. Then finally the head of the gang, a man of seemingly endless charisma approached him. This man was Giovanni. Because this child's fight apparently amused him so; he'd come in personally to offer him a place in the gang, and when he was old enough, perhaps "better opportunities" hinting that this man had a lot more going on than a lowly gang in the Bronx.

Almost taken in, Red refused, and with that Giovanni took his leave, and the gang seemingly vanished into thin air. His mom also lost her job mysteriously, the business shutting down. Her next job was enough to support herself...or Red, but both was a very hard matter. With the gang gone, Red had done well enough in his schooling to receive an offer from a school several states over, but his mom couldn't pay, so Red had kept the letter from her. At 15, he discreetly contacted them about making arrangements and low-income problems.

After some talk, it was decided Red would have to come up with at least a fourth of the money on his own; the best they could do. So Red ran away from home with his pet rat, Pika, and took oddjobs, sleeping where he could and making his away over towards the school while saving money and meeting a lot of people on the way, at 16 he finally arrived, only to be told that he would be moving to another school for people with his gifts, an odd recommendation letter having arrived for him, and that everything would be paid as long as he kept his grades up. So Red was moved to Arcadia, and finally called his mom.

While she was worried sick, she was very happy he'd gotten such a good opportunity, and that she'd received a raise, so things wouldn't be so hard if he wanted to come back home. While there's a mystery happening on this island, it hasn't yet reached Red, who just wants to pass with good grades so this benefactor won't pull the plug on his funding. Who can say what awaits him this year?

Personality: Well, to sum it up in negative terms, Red is consumed by Greed and Pride.

Red is quiet, thoughtful, and attracted to power in every form. The dark side of this is he always tries moving forward, and may still be swayed to the side of evil; he came very close to accepting Giovanni's offer.

At first glance and meeting, he probably doesn't impress, nor seem interested, in anything. He usually greets the world with a sleepy, bored expression. With something that interests him placed before him though, he'll quickly turn opinions on their heads with how strong his passions run. At his core, Red is a protagonistic personality, but very hard to know at first. He dislikes speaking unless he has something important to say, and usually won't even introduce himself or answer for his name, thus he is often called "Red" because of his eye color and his favored color of dress. In his traveling, he's discovered he likes sketching scenery occasionally, enjoys practicing with his flute, growing berries, and of course refining his skills. Though he might be impressed enough to turn some of his ideas around if he is beaten soundly enough, Red is quite the stubborn young man. He likes jokes, and despite the fact most Reds played anywhere else are nearly mute, enjoys a conversation when the topic catches his interest.

One such topic is the popular handheld game series, Satchal Monsters, in which young trainers use small monsters pulled from cubes to fight in battle. It's a little kiddy at times, but he does enjoy the deeper strategy that can be employed here. He enjoys it so much he named his pet rat after his favorite monster, Voltmaus, which has the habit of saying "PikaPika".

Here it is worth noting that while he does follow rules, he tends to bend them, such as sneaking his pet rat into class, and basically everywhere else he can. People can learn all this and more if they'll take time with him though; he's slow to trust and slower still to open up. The reward though is a fiercely loyal friend that would rather die than betray.

He dreams of going as far and as high as he can; to stand at the top of the world and look down among everyone else for those that can challenge him, people that also strive for the top he can call equals. While he dislikes weakness, he won't scorn others for it. No, it's the lazy acceptance they they're already the best, no need to improve that will almost drive him into a fury. Red is hardly one for complacency, and will be very vocal about the vices of laziness and sloth. He's also unafraid to burst someone's bubble on them being the best at something, and will be willing to work hard to put his money where his mouth is.He might not always succeed, but it'll hardly deter him, and only push him to work ever harder. In this way, it's terribly easy to goad him into something potentially stupid as he becomes competitive easily.

Moira's Gift: Limiter Removal - Red can bring out the fullest potential in anything, be it people, ideas, or objects. The best way to equate it is overclocking, as one would a computer, and it has equivalent risks. A good example is he can do similarly to Straight Cougar from s-CRY-ed with a car, turn it into a machine of pure speed, but likely it'll blow up as while it reached it's fullest potential, it was more than it was designed to handle. He and also do the same with himself, bring him to the peak of his physical abilities, and while he will never overtake those Moirae that specifically specialize in those areas, he can likely be compared reasonably to them. It should be noted that the stronger Dillan becomes, the more potential he can bring out of himself, but like with anything else he unlimits, he must be careful not to injure himself.

Other Abilities: Red has learned quite a bit about fighting, and can even pull off a few martial arts moves though he's hardly a master or had any disciplined training. He's also decent at knife fighting and concealing them on his person.

Name: Charizard

Appearance: A bipedal, orange dragon. It has large wings, powerful hind legs, nimble fore legs, a muscular tail, and an evil glare right out of hell itself. The tip of it's tail is engulfed in flames at all times. 12 meters tall at shoulder(upright), 19 meters from head to tip of tail.

Primary Attacks: Metal Claw, Fire Fang, Wing Attack, Giga Impact, etc. Nothing extremely fancy, Charizard is more of a street-brawler, including picking up rocks and lobbing them.

Special Ability: Blaze. Charizard can produce flames and heat intense enough to melt concrete, but thankfully this amount of heat is seldom reached as it usually relys on Dillan to bring out it's fullest potential. Examples of what Charizard can do is make "wheels" of flame, huge gouts of fire breath, concentrated firebombs and various other fire and heat-related phenomena. While Charizard can internally produce flame, it most often uses oxygen and dust particles in the atmosphere to ignite, and so placing it in a vacuum will severely, but not completely, reduce it's performance. Charizard can also fight equally on the ground or in the air. As a note, there is one attack Charizard has that temporarily cripples it; Blast Burn, when Red calls for this attack to be used, a small, concentrated ball of fire is fired at the opponent, when it contacts any surface, it suddenly explodes akin to a backdraft or flashover, making a temporary vacuum in the area, and using all the particulate fuel in the air, and so the Archon must wait a few moments for more materials to make it into air to burn, unless it makes the decision to run on it's own energy to use it's flames, at a halved output.

RP Sample:

>Voltmaus is now level 81!
>HP +5, ATK +3, DEF +2, SP ATK +6, SP DEF +3, SPD +6!

Red grinned. It had taken a lot of work, but he'd done it! Saving his game and pocketing his handheld, the crimson-eyed young man looked up at the clouds and laid back. It was good to just zone out occasionally. He felt like was trying to put himself in an early grave with how hard he made himself work sometimes.

Well, zoning out was the plan, but he found himself interrupted by a curious face and a twitching nose looking at him. "...Oh." Red laughed softly, scratching the rat's back. "I'd forgotten you were out here, Pika. Didja find something amusing about me having a break?" After a moment, the rat moved onto his chest curling up. "I didn't think so... How about some dinner after, yeah?" He glanced down at the rat who lift it's head to look for a moment before curling up. "Me too... I don't feel like cooking, we can get some takeout." So he went back to cloud watching, going back to his usual sleepy-looking expression. Huh. That cloud looks like a Voltmaus doing a tackle.

...Why was it sunset? He was sure he'd been cloud-watching, and he was going have to move to get his dinner if he didn't want to go through the trouble of cooking it. So much for letting himself have a small reward for his work...

*ooc, *sophiaacademy

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