Almost GenCon Time

Aug 10, 2009 22:37

Well, it's been a couple months since I've said anything on here. Probably not quite a personal record yet though.

Well, GenCon Indy 2009 starts in 2 days. This year we've got a group of 6 going (as opposed to the usual 3 or so), so that should be pretty interesting. This year was the first time I actually managed to pre-register for events, so I'll actually be getting into games I picked ahead of time and that I know I will enjoy. Although, past experience has shown I always have a blast at GenCon even without pre-registering. I guess it's just good to be among thousands of my own kind (I just wish more of them would wear deodorant and take regular showers).

Also, I'm kinda excited about a little game I put together for the 6 of us to play back in the hotel rooms at night. It uses the rules from D&D 4th Edition, but I put it in a Steampunk setting. So I had to make up some new classes (such as a Steam Rifleman, Flamethrower, and Engineer), and give them some new powers based on steampunk technology instead of magic and strength. I think it's come together nicely. Should be fun times for all. If anyone's interested, just let me know, and I can email you the classes I created, along with their respective class features, attack and utility powers, and weapons, etc.

Aside from GenCon, most of what's been going on with me has just been taking summer classes, working, and gaming every other weekend. But my summer classes are all done with now, and I still have about 3 weeks until fall classes start. Just going to work every day and not having to do homework or go to class already feels like a vacation. I only have one more semester of education classes to go, then student teaching, and I'll be a certified History/English teacher come June 2010. Go me! I still can't believe anyone will ever trust me with the minds of a large group of students.

I've started up my D&D 3.5 game again as of yesterday. We took a sabbatical from that game for a few months since I couldn't balance school, work, and also GMing and preparing game sessions every week. So in the meantime, we played a Deadlands game for a while, as well as some short-lived 4th Edition D&D games. I admit I had my doubts about 4th Edition at first. But going back to playing 3.5 after playing quite a bit of 4th Ed, I have completely changed my mind about it. 3.5 is too horribly complex in comparison (there are so many specific little nitpicky rules that they either totally got rid of or just simplified in 4th Ed). So, I think I may have become a 4th Ed convert, especially in light of how user-friendly is for modification (as can be seen by my steampunk version).

Is it sad that my social life for the past couple years has almost entirely consisted of gaming with the same groups of guys?

Oh well, I'm not complaining. It just means that I don't have any relationship angst to post for your entertainment, so nyah. I've been very happy being single for quite some time, and I see no reason to shake things up.

Anyway, I think I've rambled enough to make up for not posting anything in over 2 months (if anyone even reads this anymore). My next post will probably be my traditional annual day-by-day explanation of what I did at GenCon. Look forward to it! *shakes fist* I said: "LOOK FORWARD TO IT! ...jerks...
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