May 11, 2006 21:32
ok so i was at school with Jes'ca and we were so bored and the internet wasnt working so we sat right next to each other and typed everything that was bothering us... well me... and her on her computer... ok so if you dont want to read it dont... but it was just somethings that were pissing me off...
here goes nothing...
this sucks... the computer is sooooooooooo slow... seriously... this is boring... i dont really want to sit here and wait but there's not much else to do cause this computer hates me...
i have homework due tomorrow... i should be doing it, but then what would i do at home instead of cleaning my room or something...
i wonder whats on will and grace tonight... i wanna see the one with stuart townsend again... damn hes hot... and was having sex with everyone... pansexuals... yeah... id do him too so it really doesnt matter... but damn he was hot!!!
i wonder what jes'cas writing about... i know shes bored too... shes ranting about america again... i completely agree... today in english we were talking about how society is based on nothing but opinions and the education system is actually tearing us apart... lets take one at a time though...
the basis of society isnt what people can do for eachother, but what they cant do themselves... republicans... blah... different story... anyways... people dont lay down rules for what people should do... you know, compliment other people, learn to appreciate things more, try and be nice to everyone... common truths about society and the way people should work... when instead... its dont kill, dont be mean, hate crimes, ungodly, against, war, terror, blah, blah, blah... what happened to what people should do? all of these rules are making it very hard to live in normal society... wouldnt you agree? they are keeping us all locked up in our own little worlds making us afraid of the outside world so none of us actually get to know new people... its dividing the society...
next point... people are going to school to be more equal, to get equal oppertunity and the next chance to do something in their lives, when in fact the school ios tearing us apart... you have special education, honors, different teachers teaching different things at different pases, grades, all of which the students are using to compete with each other for like a high school high archy... everyone is competing to get such good grades, but if you cant understand it, or are having an off day they dont care, they automatically classify you as someone that isnt worth it, or your stupid or something... the school system doesnt even base grades on your intelligence, its all about how you play the game... follow the rules and you wont be penalized... you could write the most amazing paper ever... like it was written by god or something and it wouldnt matter unless you follow exactly what the teacher wanted you to... fill in the notes, turn in rough draft... everything like that...
to be continued... (elaborate dramatic theme music...)
and thats all i got done in a half an hour... ish... i will continue later... merbay... if i feel like it... which means i prolly will like tomorrow or something... ok... thats all for now... later!!!
ps if you didnt like it... bite me!!!