Jul 20, 2006 08:27
Well, sorry for the delay... As some of you asked me for some news, and want me to update my livejournal, I will try to resume these few months...
Well, nothing's since january... What did happens? hummm many things...
So, first, about music... With Deadchovsky, we didn't do so much concerts... We played in Grenoble in february with Wallenberg, in Paris, the 28th may with Darmstadt and Popoi Sdioh...
Then, we played at a big psychedelic - garage - punk festival at Hannover called the Swamp Room Festival the 4th june with a lot of bands (Vic du Monte, Cowboys on Dope, Mandra Gora Lightshow Society, Coulour Haze, the Sick Rose,Lambego Surfers, Josiah, Strange Flowers, First Band from Outerspace, Electric Orange, Curlee Wurlee, Painted Air, Kilaueas, Woog Riots, the Staggers, Phased, Bazooka Boppers, Typhoons, Teddyboys from the Crypt, Noetics, Seducers, The Richmens, the Pleasures, Chris Van Chrone and Arundo). It was a so great experience, and so good to meet another time Willem and his girlfriend!!
And last, but not least, we returned to Madrid to see our lovely friends of La Cripta, and play the first part of Cinema Strange the 24th june, with Crimson Muddle too! It's always such a pleasure to be there... and it was quite surreal to meet Cinema Strange, and spend some time with them in Madrid... We did a filmed interview too, and I hope it will be soon online... My head is still filled by the memories of these days... I hope to return soon there, and to see them soon in France!
About Crimson Muddle, it was very stressing to do my first show but finally all was ok (thanks so much to the guys of Deadchovsky who make it possible!)... And finally, I will do another concert the 18th august in Paris organised by Manic Depression... I hope people will like it! Actually I'm working on new songs, and I will try to record something before the end of the year! For checking regular news, just visit this page: www.myspace.com/crimsonmuddle
For my student life, it finally takes end... I worked during almost 3 months in a big library at Aix en Provence, writing a memory about audiovisual dematerialisation in public library, a subject which really passionned me... It was the opportunity to visit Nantes , a so beautiful french city of Brittany, to a congress organised about this subject... Finally, I succeed to my master professionnal, and I succeed to a national exam to become librarist in the national libraries (University Libraries most of the time...). The problem is that I'm only on a complementary list... it seems I will surely have a work in the year, but don't know when... so now, I'm searching for some little works, and I will try to travel a lot these months too...
Well I will end up for today... I will try to give some news more often, and to post some pictures too...