The Moulder/Hayden story processes nicely if slowly, which surprises me 8D But it also makes me happy~
But, I also had to think about Magvel again and I feel like I have to note down a few things about it, because I can't keep everything in my head (oddly enough, it is easier to remember it if I wrote it down at some time). So, the following will probably be a bit jumpy and maybe not completely coherent. And at the moment probably mostly about the countries. This is also by no means complete.
So, Renais and Frelia have the biggest agriculture; Renais a bit more, because they have really good earth and different climate. To the east it is very warm because of the warm winds coming from Jehanna. Tea and other products needing year-long warm climate grow there; The southeast regions get almost never snow in the winter. However, the regions alongside the mountain range separating Renais from Carcino do have snow during most of autumn, winter and most of the spring. They have a decent mining industry; not enough to really start an export, but enough for home requirements. Renais mostly exports agricultural goods (not sure which apart from tea. Mostly vegetables, corn and stuff like that); Frelia is their biggest rival here.
Frelia does do agriculture and exports a few goods, but their economical power comes from the sea. They are known for their fish, though they can't really export fresh fish because it rots too quickly. But their pickled and dried fish are popular in Magvel. The most money they make with their ships; Frelian ships are the best in whole Magvel. Most ship builders hail from Frelia and those living in other countries are often descendants of Frelians. The royal family supports ship builders and finance new developments generously. About 70% of all ships in Magvel are built in Frelia and about 60% of the not-built-in-Frelia ships are built after plans made in Frelia. Additionally, the sea around Frelia has a good climate and many fishes. In contrast to the Southern Coastal Area of Grado, which is very rocky and wild, the ground of the sea around Frelia is nice and mild. It is very easy to sail there and the Frelians love their sea. However, Carcino is slowly catching up in regards to the ship building, since a big part of Carcino belonged to Frelia in the past (especially the harbour town in the south, I forgot the name). Other goods that Frelia exports are jewellerey and furniture, especially made from wood.
Grado is mainly a military country; they build/make and export mostly weapon, armour and other battle machines (ballista, for example). The development of weapons and of battle strategy is something the royal family strongly supports; especially tactics in combination with the newly developed weaponry (the other countries have their own tacticians and own tactics, but Grado had more famous tactician in its history). Magical research has gained importance only in the last few decades and it is not yet as supported as the military research; Grado also has to compete with Rausten here, which has a long history of magical and profane research. They also have a big mining industry; mostly at the mountain range in the west at the border to Frelia and Renais (in the area of Renvall). As already mentioned, the sea in the south of Grado is pretty bad and the Grads can barely fish there; many rocks in the water, maelstroms and dangerous waters all around. The sea in the southeast gets better the closer it comes to Frelia and the fishing industry is better there; it is the only place in Grado where it is really possible and those regions provides almost all the fish for the inland (those regions include the area between the Frelian border and the little sea Ephraim had to cross on his way to Grado Capital and the region on the other side of that sea). The agriculture often struggles in Grado because the soil is not that good. Famines due to bad harvest happen relatively often in Grado; they get about 2/3s of all agricultural products from either Renais or Frelia (more Renais than Frelia).
Jehanna doesn't have much to offer apart from mercenaries. Most of Jehanna is sand and there are only a few big oases. There are a few smaller, but most people lived at the border areas or at the sea in the east (south, southwest and northnortheast of the Lagdou Ruins. The Jehannans avoid the ruins.); especially in the area behind the Narube River since the opening of FE8 where the countries are marked, this region also belongs to Jehanna. While the royal palace stands somewhere in the desert, about 2/3 of the population live behind or in the vicinity of the Narube River. A few live at the border to Renais, because the soil is good there; only very few live at the Gradian border or the border to Carcino. The soil there is bad and the chance to make a living there is worse. Apart from manpower, Jehanna does export jewellerey and several dried goods; the little agricultural goods they do produce in the east solely stay in Jehanna. They economically compete with nobody really.
Rausten has a big amount of forests and exports wood in all every form. They also have better craftsmanship in general and the trinkets, jewellerey, mechanical devices, everything that is small and delicately made from Rausten have a much better quality than the goods from the other countries. Rausten is also known for their intellectuals; they are more or less the centre of knowledge in Magvel (philosophy, science (only partly), language, religious texts, etc.). Most books are produced and written in Rausten; the general education is better in Rausten. Rausten practically has the monopol on the production of magic books, because they have the best resources to produce them (enchanting the paper, making the special ink). Rausten is also known for its arts beside the handicraft; mostly music and paintings. Since they have so much wood, many instruments are produced in Rausten and then exported (but that industry is not that big, because most countries prefer to make their instrument themselves; exceptions here are nobles/rich people, because the quality of the Rausten products is "better" and the fact that you have enough money to get one from Rausten is very representative. So they buy them to show off.) They have little space to cultivate vegetables and have to buy them from Frelia (the transport from Frelia via sea is much easier and quicker than getting it from Renais via land). They have a fishing industry, but they're output is not as big as Frelia´s. Rausten keeps most of its fish to itself and exports the rest as expensive delicacies.
Carcino has many mountains, but a surprisingly small mining industry yet. There is gold in those mountains but it is not discovered yet. At the moment, Carcino tries to build up a ship industry and develop said mining industry. They do have an economical competence in the sense that they examine it, develop tactics, etc., a field that the other countries haven't shown that much interest in yet. The other countries mostly use old tactics and theories that have been handed down for generations. In general, Carcino doesn't export much, but rather directs all the export the other countries make, i.e. they organize, manage and make sure that every good reaches its destination.
In general, all countries make their own clothes, furniture (apart from special things), breed the animals they need (though horses from Renais are famous for their speed and horses from Grado for their strength), write their own books, have their own composers, have their own architects and so on. Those things rarely leave the countries (apart from maybe the horses and sometimes architectural styles).
That's all for now. There will be an icon post later, because I made Turisas icons 8D I <3 them so badly~