What is this, I'm not working on my paper? WHAT A SURPRISE D8< Argh!
Anyway. First I wanted to rant about my grandpa and his stupid racism and latent misogyny, but it's not worth it. Really, I'm just enjoying the few times when I know what to retort and how he shuts up then. (Yes, I'm an asstard.)
Therefore, here a meme ganked from
raphien . Let's hope that I'm finally be able again to fill prompts 8D
Give me a pairing (romantic or platonic), and then give me an everyday setting (coming home from work, waking up in the morning, going grocery shopping, etc.) and I'll write a short drabble involving said pairing in said situation. You can ask for pairings that have already been requested, and be as creative as you want with the situations!
Also, have to edit the Duessel in apron fic sometime. Unfortunately, Lyon and Knoll make my writing a bit choppy /understatement I mean, Fadia/Vigarde flows fine, but Knoll and/or Lyon? Oi!