Jan 04, 2012 16:35
Omnomnom, sweet potatoes 8D They make good fried potatoes (btw, when I read "fried" I always think it means "swimming in fat, French Fries-like stuff" >< And I cannot shake off the thought. Which is supported by German since "fried" is "braten" and "deep-fried" is "frittieren"). Also, vegetable dumplings with pumpkin and carrots and zucchini ( <3 Zucchini). Very strange because while I love vegetables, I also love all kinds of meat and generally miss meat when we have a vegetarian meal. Oh meat...
Anyway (and on a completely different topic):
Eirika´s (and Ephraim´s if he has some) kids have to have names starting with "D" >> << XD Also, Innes´ kid has to get a "J"-name, Joshua´s a "K" name and L'Arachel´s also a "K" name (so one could stick L'Arachel and Joshua comfortably together >XD)
Only Vigarde and Lyon don't fit. Of course they have to do their own thing. Tana defies everything because of her awesomeness.
fire emblem,
om nom nom,