Since I'm in a relatively good mood, I thought I'd make a little (big) post about the fireworks on Saturday. Before you get a nice bunch of pictures my brother made (very pretty ones), I'll give you a short introduction:
The Schlossbeleuchtung (the lighting up of the castle) is a rememberance of the several times the castle and parts of the city were burnt down during the Thirty Wars´ War and afterwards (during the same attacks as mentioned below and towards the end of the 17th century). The burning of the Old Bridge is also part of this.
The Fireworks are a rememberance (and a kind of "reenactment") of the two attacks during the Thirty Years´ War in the years 1622/23 and 1633 (since then it was never completely built up again and remained a ruin. A very pretty ruin :P) where parts of the city were burned down and destroyed. The fireworks have a choreography that makes it look like there are two factions shooting fireworks/cannons and guns at each other. It's really awesome 8D
Here is the castle before it "gets burned down":
(We were on a ship like the lit one)
And here when it's "burning":
It looks even better live 8D
And here the bridge, no longer burning but lit:
Here have a little helping of fireworks :B
Since this is getting long,
here have some links to the rest.