My angel_electric

May 26, 2004 23:24

Today I went out with drunken_heretic and had sushi and went to See Shreck 2. He also gave me a USB hub :-D.drunken_heretic rocks!!! We stayed at the end and saw my friend David Morhead's name on the credits :-) I am going to be very sad when drunken_heretic leave next week to E rope.

I miss angel_electric. She and I were running Hollywood. She came to style a Skinny Puppy video and hang out. We had so much fun! I wish she would move to LA. Last Wed we went shopping on Hollywood Blvd. angel_electric needed to get shoes for the video. The owner of the shop was all trying to hook up with me. So the next day angel_electric and I went back and got a good deal on the shoes. (using my sexy women power and my Chinese bargaining skills baby!). Then we had a mad shopping spree and I got myself and angel_electric a bunch of outfits. Then we went over to Jang's and he mad us a yummy dinner.

After that we went to west Hollywood to Cameron's club for a bit. I been avoiding it cuz his web designer hates me cuz she feels threaten by me or something. I guess she thinks I am interested in Cameron or something. As soon as angel_electric and I walked into the club she ran to the DJ booth and guarded Cameron. I didn't give a shit. I just wanted to hang out with my cousin. But this crazy girl kept coming up to me and my cousin and trying to talk to us. She and I just smiled and nodded. I avoid people I don't like(Like her). Thats why I stopped going to Industry cuz all the drama she would stir up. I had enough shit going on with jlamanna and trailing every week to Chicago, San Fran, and Florida thing. As well as I got into a car accident. I had too much on my mind to deal with her drama. Also I been dating. I wish she would be mature and ignore me too. When angel_electric and I left the club that crazy women followed us outside and tried to start shit with me. She goes gives me an attitude and said "so how was Fang?" I said, "how do u know I went there?" She then said; "I know your games." lol, games? cuz I went to another club cuz I avoid Industry cuz of her always trying to start drama? Okay... games... She is the one who is, grading a guy I have no interest in, trying to talk to me and angel_electric, following me out the club and trying to start shit, and last but not least reading my LJ to spy on me. (If you hate me so much why do u spy on me? You should get a life.)

Anyways since angel_electric and I felt uncomfortable we left and went to Mels on Sunset Strip and got some milkshakes and cheese fries. These drunken guys were hitting on us and we toled them to fuck off. And I bought my angel_electric some roses from the lady that was selling them in the diner. Then I needed to drop angel_electric at her hotel. So the next day we went to Dos Bunker. In the curtsy of Frank and Rev John. angel_electric , Jang, and I danced our asses off. After that angel_electric and I went to a Thai place in Thai town and grab some late night grub. The next day angel_electric and I went to get some Pizza a Nova Express and went out for some drinks with some of the people that did the make-up and hair for the video. Then I had to say good by to my angel_electric. I miss her so much. It was fun handing out with her. I miss being her sugar momma. Come back to me my sugar baby!
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