First off, let me dedicate this entry to Sacco, Lebda, Cramer, and any of the other kids I address by their last names, seeing as they all share today as their birthday. ♥♥♥
So last night was our second game. West mifflin. It wasnt as bad as last weeks. On the bus ride up, I had my mp3 player on and started singing FOB. This triggered Nick singing with me, and then Jenn and Shawn eventually got involved. Jenn had it on her cd player so we timed the two together. It was fun...As usual, the first half sucked and the second half was way better. I dared Sean to speak only in song for the rest of the night. Brian decided he wanted to "play" the two of them had this little 20 minute conversation while singing. Half time was pretty sweet. I mean, I dont know how we did as a group. I havent been hearing much, but my sax was playing pretty well. I was excited. Oh..Ross and I spent the entire second half making up a handshake. No joke. We decided were gonna add on to it every game...At least the ones where we sit together cause saxes dont usually sit by drums....and I think P Cole hates me already. She stopped me on the way out to ask me why I switched out of Advanced Algebra, and then told me that I shouldve stayed there. I mean, I was really tired when we talked so I mightve just picked it up wrong. I dont know. She just seemed so..unfriendly. Oh well..Mrs Homich was saying the same thing about why I dropped Honors Chem. Up until those two, I felt like I made the right choices by switching clases. I swear, if it ends up like last year where I completely regretted taking Honors Bio, I'll be so mad...ugh
And I think I'm getting a really bad cold/sinus infection..
Put 20 facts about yourself
Then tag x amount of people.
Then put how many minutes it took to do this
1. I am obsessed with music.
2. I love taking pictures of things..especially people and sunsets.
3. I am about to turn 16.
4. I am an honors student.
5. I have a really bad tendency to anticipate the future and forget about whats currently happening.
6. I really like math and grammar.
7. I have three really cool best friends, one of which I've never actually met.
8. I still have my sanity but only because of them.
9. I've been writing music/poetry since I was five.
10. I spend way too much time on the computer.
11. My cell phone, guitar, and computer are basically my life.
12. I live with my mom, but would much rather move in with my dad.
13. Those awesome friends I was talking about keep me here.
14. One of my other best friends is a cat. [Dont make fun, if you knew him you'd feel the same]
15. I love talking on the phone, but only with the right people.
16. I get bored way too easily.
17. Because of this, I keep myself active as much as possible.
18. I have a weird obsession with cleaning/organizing things.
19. I hate chain letters, yet forward them any time I get one.
20. I just happen to be dating the most amazing person you could ever know.
This took me twenty minutes.
I tag Nakita, Tina, Mallory, and anyone else who feels like posting this.