Apr 28, 2007 12:46
Full Character Name: Just Asch (lazy likewut to put the umalat on the 'u').
Job & Company (if applicable): Manager at Muggs and guitarist for Abyss under Black Out.
Age: 18.
Canon: Tales of the Abyss.
Typical Style of dress: Rocker chic~ Black, red and white only. With a few neon colours thrown in at regular intervals.
Emo trigger: His parents, when his father came over for a "visit", the whole raep situation, his past.
Likes: Strawberries, Van, Nata-chan (too bad she isn't here anymore...), Luke, music, playing the guitar, mindless rock music, sekritly enjoys classical piano.
Dislikes: Renge, ATB, going to the hospital, making himself dependent on others, vulnerability, his parents, his past, his first name, being away from Luke or Natalia (gar, need to find a new Nata-chan...) for long periods of time (lol @ seperation anxiety)... let's just say, he dislikes a lot of things.