Gosh, it's been ONE year and that guy is back.
The Baroque guy.
I wrote about this potential client last March, here:
crimsongriffin.livejournal.com/7333.html After all the time spent getting sketches together and researching the period, looking out wigs he can buy, and even shoe-makers...not to mention the search for fucking TURQUOISE jacquard to match his turquoise and gold trimmed 17th century bleeding harpsichord...he disappeared. Buddy, you owe me at least 100$ already for wasting my time.
He's back, has found the perfect fabric and so...if he gets it in time, I'll be making a costume for him.
He's like a particularly retarded dog.
hyperboleandahalf.blogspot.com/2010/07/dog.htmlI say things like, "Hey, you must understand - the big difference between Bach style coats and Mozart style coats!"
I even drew him pictures. I may as well be doing the Charlie Brown Wa-wa sound.
I told the Navy Guy that if we couldn't get things thrashed out between us, Baroque Guy and I, I would leap on him, sink my blunt teeth into his throat and tear it out like a ravening wolf. Because, obviously, it would NEED to be done. Navy guy said something like, "Dog's balls," which apparently is an arcane Navy way of saying "I triple dog-dare you."
We'll see.