More PWI Screenies~

Sep 16, 2012 06:29

Considering the lack of activity this weekend from everyone, I think we should organise a different fixed time and day whereby we'll all try to gather online - It should be a time and day that's good for the group's majority.

So far, the only regulars I keep seeing seem to be AlJones, myself (ArtyKirkland), Galante, and GilBeilsh.

It's be cool if we had a fixed time and day to log in at, I was thinking Thursday or Friday since that's usually when the week winds down, and that seemed to be a popular time for people last week.

Let me know what you all think?

Also, a few of us have posted journals with our notes on them. Feel free to do so and share it with us! Mine includes my character's name, class, race, build, equipment requirements, skills, and manufacturing skill stuff - It's important for us to co-ordinate manufacturing skills so the entire group can benefit from each different skill, and you should all check my notes and let me know if you're interested in any of the items I can manufacture.

Also, I post roleplay updates with screenshots for Arthur (just to keep you all updates about what's going on with him I guess), feel free to do the same and share! Or I can just friend you? ouo
Since tantei_shinichi seemed to like my last instalment~

Before I get to it Please read my recruitment journal as I do post updates on it! HERE

So, this session involved a really intense argument between Alfred and Arthur, mostly over Arthur spending so much time with Gilbert.

A lot of things came out, most notably: Alfred is jealous of Gilbert, and wants Arthur to spend all his time with him. He wants to be Arthur's hero, and wants Gilbert to basically get the fuck outta there. ene ;;

I'm beginning to suspect these two will start fighting over Arthur should they both end up being online together! Gilbert doesn't seem to like Alfred either... come on guys, kiss and make up! ; A;

Anyway, Alfred was being intensely mean to Arthur. Arthur was already feeling really down and tossed aside after being stood up by Gilbert for hours, and Alfred had to leap in to rub the salt into the wounds. Alfred was being really sharp and petty towards Arthur, so Arthur said 'I don't know how much more of this I can take, I should leave.'

Alfred asked what's keeping him.

Arthur said 'naked woman'.

I wasn't joking. ene

I dropped off my sword and walked up the path a little, naked lady kind of started following me. ene ;;

I shook her off and it started raining.

Considering Arthur's depressed state, both Matt and Alfred laughed and told me it's setting the mood. So I posed Arthur.

I believe this is relevant...


I switched accounts for a bit, after Alfred logged off and Roderich ignored us. > A> ;; And switched to Alfred~

The only screenshot of him I have is the game derping up his wings. I took them off but he carried on floating there, with no wings.

I returned on Arthur to post an update announcement on the Faction (HetaArch), only to find Gilbert online... > A> ;;

I froze and said nothing, wondering if he'd notice. He, ah... he did. ._.

So Arthur kind of vented at him a little, he was really mad.

But he forgave Gilbert a little too easily (I can imagine, to Alfred's dismay?), and they hugged and Arthur gave Gilbert the potions he made.

Killed yet another boss together, here's a screenie of us waiting~

And fulfilling quests near Tellus City or whatever it's called~

We saved a little girl from being old man's food. vuv

Haha, and during a quest, Gilbert was being stupid.

He was all 'I'm standing on top of a mountain!'
So Arthur asked him if he felt like the king.
And obviously he says yeah, and he'll ask Arthur to be the queen since he needs one.
Arthur just called him stupid. eue

Not many today, but I hope to get some more in my next session~ Sorry I didn't get any of us together, Al! We didn't stay together long. ;A;

Anyway, it's late and I have stuff to do today and tomorrow, I'm free on Tuesday.

I'm going to sleep the morning away and wake up early afternoon, in time to complete my job seeking, house searching, and print of my letter.

I shouldn't forget to get Karen a PINK light bulb for her bedroom on Monday, hehe.

I just need to update Arthur's apothecary skill bit and his build, I quite like my new one~
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