Aug 09, 2009 03:42
I woke up in the middle of the night because of my wrist D: I put a tight cloth in it already but it still hurts >_< I'm not going to survive this throbbing pain in my RIGHT wrist anymore D: but I need to make NOTES mehghed. My mother told me that I should not write or draw in a week or so and then let it rest, but that's just near impossible @__@ of course I need to write D: and more so, it's exam week already~ I need to study like mad starting today. Though I could say that I studied in Trigonometry and Physics already ahahaha
I hope this is gone before monday, I don't want to go to school with a tight cloth in my wrist rofl It's like wearing accesories and it's a violation rofl but if it's still there until monday or the rest of the week~ I need to endure it in school rofl well good luck to me. AHAHAHAHA
I wish I'm ambidextrous lols so that whenever this tendonitis attacks, I could still write in my left hand. Unfortunately I'm not >_< Why is life so hard and painful? AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Wao was that an emo speech from me? *gotshot*