Fandom in 2014 :))

Jan 08, 2015 23:24

First Fandom of 2014:
Well, I looked at my tumblr and twitter archives and nothing really happened back in January ahahahaa but there's something I always did though 8D; watch Japanese variety shows LOL

Favorite Main Character of 2014:
Apollo Justice. Because he's fine! XD!

Favorite Villain of 2014:
Franziska von Karma. BOW DOWN TO THE QUEEN BITCHES :))))

Favorite Het Couple of 2014:
MarthxCaeda. Always this perfect THE OTP of Fire Emblem <3 live long you two. AHAHAHAHAHA brought because of FE13. Aww you ghaiz made perfect descendants.

Favorite Yuri Couple of 2014:
No idea. Still. Olivia and Maribelle????

Favorite Yaoi Couple of 2014:
WRIGHTWORTH AHAHAHAHA Lord help me. This fandom took over my life in 2014.

Fandom That You Never Expected To Get Into:
Hetalia. I was just a casual viewer of their fanarts and MMD but then yeh... I now read fanfics and read the heck of their wikia page now /sob

Fandom That Made An Unexpected Comeback:
Golden Sun! Because I just recently played Dark Dawn last October AHAHAHAHA in 3 weeks!

Fandom That Inspired The Most Crack:
Still will ever be Fire Emblem. Esp FE8. SethxLyon anyone?

Last Fandom of 2014:
Hetalia. Got this fever last December and what did I do while lying down in bed? Watch Hetalia MMDs, Hetalia seiyuu events, and read Hetalia fanfics. I've never read or watched the anime tho lmao

Fandom of 2014:
Ace Attorney. Because lol guysss I finished all Ace Attorney games in 2014. Esp the first 4 games. I finished those in a month or two! I remember finishing 1 game in a week lmao also special thanks to kathleeness and your motivational texts that got me speed running the heck out of Ace Attorney AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Aside from watching a lot of variety shows (from Getsuyoukara Yofukashi to Sekai Banzuke), I also watched a damn lot of reality tv shows ahahaha
Sometime on later half of 2014, I found back my love of TV AHAHAHA and watched a lot of TLC shows. So yes, I've watched Project Runway after several years again. And that resulted on me watching PR from Season 1 online LOLOL I'm now at Season 7 :))

Got into major depression around September & November. Not to the point I was thinking I want to die, but I ate less and had so many thoughts running into my head that I want to bang it into the wall and was scratching my hand. I felt useless those months XD;; That was a terrible memory lol

1. Get a job (that I enjoy).
2. Fix my portfolio.
3. Open a paypal account and do commissions.
4. Buy another 3DS game (whatever that may be).
5. Practice coloring.
6. Improve in watercolor.
7. Get a job alsjkdlakwj
8. Make a game.
9. Draw comics.

meme, fandom, irl

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